Chapter 16: Pain

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Two week later:

At a press conference:

“Mr. Lan WangJi… You already had your name cleared two weeks ago but why do you want to rest for a year now?” Person 1

“We heard that you were supposed to re-new your contract with you company. What happened to suddenly change your plans?” Person 2

“If you wanted to step away from stardom why were you so eager to clear your name? You could have taken your time if you were planning of a long holiday to begin with.” Person 3

“No one wants to keep living while being wrongly accused do they?” WangJi’s tone was calmer and politer then his usual tone

“When are you planning on coming back? If not now then how much longer are you planning to delay your contract re-newel?” Person 1

“Honestly speaking, as of now I’m not even sure if I want to continue or not…” WangJi’s tone was polite but his thoughts were lost

“What does that means Mr. Lan? Are you planning on quitting?” Person 2

“Maybe, maybe not, I am not sure yet. Someone once told me that you don’t know what might happen in the future, so why worry about it right now.” Lan smiled

“That’ll be all for today’s conference” Wen Ning said stopping the news personal from further questions 

“I only called todays conference to announce that I am leaving the showbiz temporarily until there are any change of plans. I am thankful for all of my fans and supporters who stood by my side through my tough times and I am sorry for such sudden dismissal but I hope all of you will try to understand that I already have my plate full for me for the time being. Again I am sorry and thank you…”

WangJi left the hall accompanied by Wen Ning and a couple of security guards, WangJi who hated the idea of security is now moving with a couple of guards along his side.
After getting seated in their cars they started to move away from the location. WangJi could easily see his fans and supporters standing outside, some with smile wide on their face yet some had tears in their eyes. With posters in their hands 

WE LOVED YOU, GOOD LUCK, STAY SAFE, GET WELL SOON… And other stuff like that.

“Sir… Where do you want to go next?” The driver/ security asked WangJi who was again lost in his thoughts.

“Let’s go to his home” Wen Ning said

“No take me to the hospital and then drop Wen Ge at his place and then both of you are free for today.” WangJi said with a calm tone

“WangJi why are you going there again you just came here directly from the hospital, at least have some rest, your shoulder needs rest as well or else you might lose it completely” Wen Ning glared at WangJi with a worried gaze

“Ge I am going to the hospital, even if something goes wrong there are doctors there 24/7 I can get treated quickly there” WangJi smiled

After a drive of about 30 minutes they reached the hospital, WangJi got out of his car and gestured the guards to proceed and bid them a good night.

“I’ll give you a call if I’ll be needing you guys, till then you are on a vacation as well and Ge go home and sleep and you can go back home to meet aunt and uncle since we are on a vacation.” Saying that WangJi proceeded inside the hospital.

After he stepped inside the elevator he pressed the button towards the 16th floor, and stood there leaning on his arm that had a plaster on it all the way up to his left shoulder.

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