Chapter 9. Brothers

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“Who exactly are you Wei WuXian?........”

WangJi was lost in his thoughts when his desire of sleeping took the best of him and he fell asleep.

It was after a really long time that WangJi fell asleep in a matter of moments. Else wise it would practically take WangJi hours just to fall asleep.

After 8 hours of peaceful sleep and a pleasant dream did WangJi woke up at the sound of XiChen knocking at the door to wake him up.

“WangJi wake up, it’s already 7 am in the morning. We have to go meet Mr. Wei shortly so hurry up and get freshened up; meanwhile, I’ll cook something for the breakfast.” XiChen woke him up “Ge will be here shortly so hurry up Ji-Ji”

After taking his shower and getting dressed he came out of the room at the sight of the dining table full of different kinds of food.

After taking his shower and getting dressed he came out of the room at the sight of the dining table full of different kinds of food

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But, no matter his starving stomach he couldn’t make himself eat what was on that table.

XiChen was a perfect guy, every girl and boy would fall for him just after a small interaction with him. He was calm, he was cool, and on top of everything else his smile was mesmerizing as if heaven have specially blessed him with everything flawless. But, this flawless dude had one flaw and that; he was a terrible cook to begin with and no one better than WangJi knew about it.

“I’m not very hungry XiChen-ah” WangJi turned pale at the sight of XiChen’s cooking “XiChen let’s hurry up and leave, it’s rude to make people wait”

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“I’m not very hungry XiChen-ah” WangJi turned pale at the sight of XiChen’s cooking “XiChen let’s hurry up and leave, it’s rude to make people wait”

“Rest assured Ji-Ji, I didn’t cooked it, I just ordered it” XiChen explained “You don’t have to worry and I have already contacted Mr. Jiang, we’ll be meeting them at his office around 9 am. Eat something before we leave as you were told by Mr. Wei to keep yourself fed as well”

After having their breakfast they left as soon as Wen Ning arrived to pick them up.

On the other side:

Xian woke up rather early considering he was jet-lagged and exhausted from that entire ordeal even after arriving.

He had already taken a shower, dressed up for his day and was heaving the food Chang brought yesterday night as his breakfast. Xian was lazy and didn’t know a thing about cooking and he hated the thought of wasting food on top of everything.

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