Chapter 37: Never Ending Storm

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“I don’t have many things left… Ma left me, so did gege… All I have is a handful of people and… and… y-you.” Xian muffled his words as he hides his face in the crook of Mrs. Wei’s neck

“M-Me?” Mrs. Wei said in a plutonic yet confused way

“Yes… M-Mom…” Xian stuttered saying mom.

This sudden announcement of that single term made people shocked, Yanli nearly feel on her knees out of shock but was caught by WangJi, who was standing next to her.

“A-Xian… What did you call me… Please say that again…” Mrs. Wei pleaded.

“Mom… please let’s go to the room before you get any worse… please” Xian sufficed her wish and next he got up, holding her hands and pleading her to move inside the room for rest as she was losing her body control and was nearly passed out.

As she passed out; Xian held her up in his arms, bridal style and started moving to the grand bedroom that belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Wei. He went in and laid her down comfortably, they were followed by the rest apart from Mrs. Lan, XiChen and Wen Ning whom decided that their presence isn’t vital at the moment.

Laying her down, Xian caressed her head as he sat beside her on the bed, glaring at the rest; waiting for them to get him out of this situation. It’s not that Xian was pretending this whole time but this whole situation was new to him, the boy who lost his mother at 3 and after that all that he knew about mother was through pictures and Jiang Chang’s mother.

“Bring in some cold water and a small towel, she’s burning up… Xue where is the damn doctor… Jiejie come here and sit next to mom, Dad you also stay here…” Xian said breaking the awkward silence.

“Mn… But Xian… Why are you in haste?” Yanli said as she sat next to her mother.

“Jiejie… You look after mom and dad OK? I have to go somewhere important. The doctors are going to be here soon. And about the rest don’t worry.” Xian said as he elevated himself from the bed.

“And Xing I know, I’m asking for too much but can you please look after my guests, I’ll try to be back ASAP.”

“No issue A-Xian. I’ll look after them and aunty as well before the doctor comes, Xue has already called the med team so rest assured.” Xing said, patting Xian’s shoulder who was now about to leave the room.

“Xian, where are you going?” Mr. Wei asked his son

“Dad… There are a few things that require my attention, I just came here to pick up a few files from my room and because you called me; now I need to go and attend my work.” Xian said as he bid his bye to his father, which was then accompanied by WangJi and Xue’s bow; as the three decided to leave the room.

Outside the room, Xian greeted Mrs. Lan and the other two again, explaining and excusing him as he needed work done, also telling XiChen and Wen Ning to make themselves at home, and in need they can use anything they want, even for going out if they want a driver can accompany them or they can just take the car whatsoever. And as for Mrs. Lan, Xian ordered his maids to make her feel comfortable and serve her the best.

“Aiye… Please feel at home, and if you are uncomfortable please let me know, right now I need to attend some work but I’ll be back soon, and sorry for dragging your son with me but his presence is vital for the time being. I hope you understand Aiye…” Xian said is a soft and polite tone, making the latter smile at him as well.

XiChen and Wen Ning were again flabbergasted at Xian that how can he be so calm right now as he was all broken just a few moments ago, either he has massive self-control or he can put up a crazily awesome act.

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