Part 3

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I trip over a tree root and fall face first into the ground.

"Ow," I groan, moving into a sitting position and wiping the dirt off of my blue outfit. As I try to get up I feel something crack in my ankle, sending me back down to the ground with a newfound screaming ache.

I whimper as I try to get rid of the pain, only to figure out I broke my ankle. Tears start streaming down my face as I realize how truly alone I am, with no way to get help and to get to a safe place in the woods to suffer through the night.

I take a deep breath, trying the only thing I think might work in this moment, "Wyatt," I whisper. "Please hear this, please come find me." I wait a few seconds, hoping Wyatt's super hearing is kicked in enough for him to hear me.

After a few minutes of nothing passed by, I try again - a little louder this time, "Wyatt. I need your help, please!" I plead, trying to ignore the throbbing pain coming from my ankle.

Wyatt walks through the clearing in front of me, and a worrisome expression takes over as he sees my current state.

"What happened?!" He rushes to my side, gently caressing my face.

"I tripped and broke my ankle," I look away from him, trying to hide my tears. They betray me and fall down my cheeks and into his hand. "It really hurts."

He lays his hand on my right ankle and I watch as his veins turn black as he slowly absorbs my pain into his body, relieving my body even for a few seconds.

I sigh as the pain subsides, "thank you."

"Come on, let's take you to the wolf den," he picks me up bridal style and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Why? I'm okay now."

"I know you don't expect me to leave you in the Forbidden Forest with a broken ankle. Willa will know what to do to help."

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