
653 8 11

USA's Fam:

USA (the non-binary bean): 18
Canada: 18
Aussie: 17
New Zealand: 14
UK: 42 (the USA fam's dad)

Russia's Fam (that live at home):

Russia: 18
USSR: 19
Ukraine: 18
Belarus: 18
RM: ??? nObOdY kNoWs... Like literally she doesn't even know (The Russia fam's mum)

Other characters:
Germany: 18
China: 20
Sweden: 19
NK: 18
SK: 18

?????: ??? She doesn't seem to be a country, nor an actual human. She commits atrocities like Human experimentation and kidnapping of powerful individuals or people that she can use as bait

None of these ages are even slightly based on reality :/ also USA and Canada are twins and so are NK and SK

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