7: Shop Till You Drop

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It was time now and I was wearing my plain black shirt with light blue jeans, a red with black flannel around my hips, a denim jacket and my sneakers. I had just applied some nude make-up and did my hair in a high ponytail. I was watching Gilmore Girls, a scene with Jared, when Danneel and Gen walked into the room.

"Ah, I wished he still looked like that." I heard someone say and when I turned around I noticed it was Gen. I paused the show and got up, walking over to the two.
"Hey, I'm Gen." she said as she extanded her hand to me.
"Lily." I said as I shook it.
"You ready to meet your little sister?" Danneel asked.
"I'd love to meet her." I smiled as she took me over to the hall. Jensen was swaying the little girl around the air before seeing us and setting her down. She looked up at me and before I could say a thing she ran up to me and gave me a hug. 
"Are you my new big sister?" she asked me as she looked up at me.
"Yes I am." I said. "You must be JJ, I'm Lily." I said.
"Wow, well done dad. You chose someone with a normal name." she laughed as she looked at her father with a grin. Wow, she's sassy, I like her.
"My middle name is Hunter, does that make up for it?" I laughed and the girl smiled up at me.
"Let's go." Gen said as Danneel picked JJ up. 

We walked outside and over to the silver Volvo which I assume belongs to Gen and Jared. Gen got into the driver's seat, Danneel in the passenger's seat and JJ and I in the back. After about 1 hour we arrived at the shopping mall and we got out. I held JJ's hand as we all went over to a coffeeshop to have some coffee and get to know each other a little better.

I took another sip of my Latte Machiato Caramel as we had been sitting there for about half an hour now.

"So, JJ, what do you think about having an older sister now?" Danneel asked.
"I love her." JJ answered as she smiled up at me.
"Good, I love you too." I said as I gave her a hug.

"Where do you want to go first?" Gen asked us as we finished our drinks.
"Hot Topic!" JJ exclaimed.
"I second that." I laughed before we all went to Hot Topic.

"Pick out what you want, daddy's paying." Danneel laughed as she pulled out Jensen's creditcard making the rest of us double over in laughter. 

I ended up buying a LOT of merch from Supernatural, Teen Wolf and Marvel. Together with some normal clothes, jewerly, make-up and some books like Percy Jackson and The Infernal Devices. After buying our final stuff and getting a quick bite at McDonalds we went to see a movie called The Secret Life Of Pets, I loved it, we all did. We were now on our way to the car when we passed a Pets Place. We decided it might be good to get some extra stuff for Icarus and Oscar, our dogs, as well. As Gen and Danneel looked through the toys and food JJ and I went to the adoption cages. The was a small brown dog that grabbed our attention. He looked really sad as he was laying with 2 other puppies. The cages weren't small, but it looked like he didn't really like the other 2. I read the information card that said: 'Multipoo. Healthy, young and looking for a family.' The little thing reminded me of myself. 

"Mom, you have to see this one." I called out and Danneel and Gen came our way to look at the puppy JJ and I had been staring at.
"We're taking her." Danneel said upon seeing the little thing.
"You think dad's gonna like it?" I asked.
"He better. He didn't want Icarus at first too, he'll get used to this one as well." she laughed as she went to get one of the employees. The man took out the puppy.
"Her name's Sophie." he said. "She's a rescue, about 2 years old." he explained and he gave the pup to me. She immediately started licking my face.
"We'll take her." Danneel said as she followed the man to the desk. He put a collar with a leash around her and handed her back to me. 

After Gen dropped us off we got inside the house and into the TV room where Jensen was watching the pilot episode of the first season of Supernatural.

"Dad." I said. "We've got a new puppy." 

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