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The date is July 20, 2526, I am a Spartan-II and I am posing as a new cadet at Corbulo Academy of Military Science(C.A.M.S.) on Circinius-IV I will be with Hastati Squad lead by April Orenski aka the Robot (By the members of Hastati Squad). I have black hair with purple streaks in it, I have blue eyes and black wings with silver scattered on the underside like stars and my Name is Silver Flight. Anyways the pelican I am on gets the ok to land by General Black so I can meet my team. The pelican lands and I are greeted by sunshine and by 10 people I assumed were General Black and Hastati Squad. "General Black, Sir, "I say. "Good to finally meet you in person cadet," General Black said. "The honor is mine, sir." I said, "Meet hastati squad lead by April Orenski '' General Black said. "Nice to meet you, Sir'' I said. "I'll take your Silver Flight'' Orenski said. "Yes sir," I said. "Let's get your uniform's cadet," General Black said. "Lead the way, Sir, "I said. Time skip after the tour. I am in mine and laskys room I am getting ready for bed while Lasky is at the terminal looking at his brother's dog tags. "Light out, doors closing," Orlin said.

In the morning I wake up before Lasky and do my morning routine while Orlin says what squad we are going against in today's combat exercise then Hastati and I get our cryo injections and get into our pods and get frozen.

Halo 4: Forward unto dawn X WOF (Wings Of Fire)Where stories live. Discover now