Part 4

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Orenski: "Lasky, send the distress beacon. Chyler, help me get the weapons."

Orenski, Silva, Sullivan, and Vickers head to the weapon compartments while Lasky works on the door pad, trying to seal the door. Orenski begins entering codes while Silva and Vickers try to force the compartments open.

Orenski: "It's locked! My code isn't working!"

Silva: "Try again. Do it again!"

Sullivan points at the door.

Sullivan: "Lasky, door!"

The cadets continue attempting to open the compartments, while Lasky continues trying to shut the door.

Sullivan: "Lasky, door!"

Lasky: "Yeah, I'm-I'm trying!"

Silva: "April, come on!"

Orenski: "It's not working!"

The door finally shuts. Lasky goes to the emergency beacon.

Lasky: "Mayday, mayday, mayday. This is Cadet Thomas Lasky. I repeat, mayday! Mayday! There's been an attack on Corbulo Academy. Excessive casualties. I repeat, excessive casualties."

Orenski backs away from the weapons locker, giving up.

Orenski: "I don't have access to the live rounds."

Lasky: "I think the beacon's down as well."

Sullivan: "We're dead."

Orenski: (slightly hysterical) "Okay, alright. Think, think, think, think..."

Lasky walks towards Orenski.

Lasky: "We can't stay in here, April."

Orenski: "We can't go out there!"

As Lasky and Orenski look on, Vickers takes a fire extinguisher and starts ramming the compartments. Everyone looks at him before encouraging him on.

Lasky: "Come on, Vickers! Harder!"

Sullivan: "Harder, Vickers!"

As Vickers is about to ram the lockers one more time, something bangs on the door outside. Everyone stops what they are doing and stares at the door in horror.

Orenski: (faintly) "Hide."

The cadets quickly run to the back, where Vickers goes to the right and everyone else goes left. An alien roar is heard from outside the training room. As Vickers tries to rejoin the others, an errant burst of sparks from the broken ceiling lights erupts in front of him and he is forced to stay separated. The Zealot outside can be heard speaking.

Zealot: "Ray-nah-reh! Woh-koh nah bee-oh-gyoh joh."

The banging continues. There's a few seconds of silence. Then the door is finally knocked off its hinges, scaring all five cadets.

Everyone except Vickers rushes to a new hiding spot. Lasky presses a finger to his lips, indicating for Vickers to be quiet. Vickers nods and backs up against the lockers. A frightened Lasky waits in his hiding spot as footsteps are heard. A cloud of exhaust steam leaking from a pipe is disturbed by an unseen force. Then something steps over the fallen door, making it move. The cadets all recoil in fear. They hear the invisible Zealot growl, and the sound of footsteps going past their hiding spot.

Lasky: (whisper) "Go."

Everyone, minus Vickers, starts cautiously moving forward. Vickers, still in fear, doesn't move.

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