pt 8 - questions

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e s f  e  l  n
"Shut up."
"Namjoon, you need to get up."
Namjoon suddenly sits up at the sudden voice. He looks around to see Yoongi and Jin both inside of his room. He yells out of surprise and his blanket falls which makes his shirt go up, revealing his toned abdomen.

Jin yells and covers his eyes, the tips of his ears becoming red.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!" Namjoon's voice booms through his room.

Jin begins stuttering and tripping over his words as Yoongi opens the window, smoothly replying,
"You never showed up to work. Jin came, but you didn't. What did you guys do last night?"

Namjoon glares up at Yoongi and winces, his eyes adjusting to the harsh, natural light.

"Damn you. Anyway, we went to an amusement park and then went to Jin's place and had dinner."

"Just dinner?" Yoongi winks at Jin and Jin smacks his arm.

"Of course we only had dinner! You can't have sex on the first date Yoongi! Or BEFORE it!"

"What Jimin and I do is none of your business, SUCKjin! And, if you mention that one more time, you're never getting the job!"

"J-Job?" Namjoon interrupts, as he begins to get out of bed.

"Yeah, Jin over here applied to be a bartender. He has a food safety license, but he doesn't have any bartending experience. You're most likely going to have to train him. I'm gonna let him have the job since if I don't, I won't be able to separate you too anyway." Yoongi explains, while Jin nods along to his words.

Namjoon smiles at Jin, and stretches, letting out a loud groan.
Jin smirks and leaves the room, Yoongi following.

Namjoon begins getting ready for the day. After taking his pajamas off he picks up an old t-shirt. He drops the shirt. He leans down to pick it up and the door opens unexpectedly.

"OH SHIT SORRY!" Jin yells, running away, shutting the door behind him. Namjoon looks down and notices the fact he's only in his boxers. Great. He hears Yoongis laugh from the living room and Namjoon throws the shirt over his head, with some jeans and he puts on his black docs.

He walks out of his room and makes awkward eye contact with Jin, pretending to ignore the fact that Jin saw him almost naked.
Yoongi chuckles and looks up at Namjoon.
"Did Jin really see you naked?" Yoongi scoffs, staring at the now, fully dressed Namjoon.

"Alright Yoongi, screw off. At least I had my boxers on, and he didn't see me having sexual interactions with a random dude in the back room of my work."


Jin laughs at the pair.
"We should get going."

Yoongi agrees and the three of them leave Namjoon's apartment. They walk into the bar and are greeted by Hoseok and Jungkook. Jungkook jumps up and down like an excited little kid, and gives Yoongi a hug.
Yoongi shakes him off, because he doesn't really like hugs most of the time. He's not a scary guy, Jungkook thinks he's quite adorable, but a lot of people think he's scary.

Namjoon chuckles as he watches Jungkook return to the bar, Hoseok wrapping an arm around Jungkook's shoulder.
"So, is this Namjoon's boyfriend?" Hoseok asks, gesturing to Jin, who was standing next to Namjoon, looking towards Jungkook.

"Not yet." Yoongi answers, raising an eyebrow.
Namjoon overhears the interaction and his cheeks begin turning a pink color.
"HES BLUSHING!" Jungkook yells, pointing at Namjoon.

Suddenly, everyone turns to look at him, and so he turns even more red. Jin laughs and grabs his arm, pulling Namjoon closer to him, slightly hugging him.

The group laughs and they continue setting up the bar and the man from a few days ago returns. The same man who checked out Namjoon and made Namjoon call him "sir."

"Oh boy..." Namjoon sighs, cleaning a glass.

"What can we do for you sir?" Jungkook asks politely.

"Scotch. On the rocks. Now."

"Oh, okay sir." Hoseok says happily, as he prepares the drink. He hands it off and the man gulps it down within 5 minutes.

"That guy made it better." The man says, pointing to Namjoon.
Namjoon freezes and turns around to see the mans stupid face.

"Sorry that you weren't satisfied with your order, would you like Namjoon to remake it?" Hoseok asks.
"CALL. ME. SIR." The man snaps, roughly grabbing Hoseok by the collar and tossing him back, almost breaking a couple of alcohol bottles behind Hoseok.

"Calm down sir, or we will call the police." Jungkook somehow manages to say smoothly, his hands shaking.

"How old even are you, kid? Talk to me with some respect."
"I'm 18. I know what I need to know." Jungkook snaps, putting his phone next to his ear.

He orders to have police come to the bar and take this man away.
Within 10 minutes, the sharp noise of sirens fills the room and two officers enter the bar. Jungkook realizes he's underage and goes into the back so the police officers don't realize he's there.

Namjoon and Hoseok describe what happened to the police as Yoongi cleans up the bar a little bit, hoping to organize things in case people come in later.

"Alright. We looked him up and he's wanted for a couple of other things, so we're going to detain him. Thank you for your time."

Namjoon and Hoseok nod respectfully towards the officer, as they take the man away in handcuffs. Lee Seunghyun was his name.
"Dirty criminals, am I right?" A smooth, flirty voice says.

Park Jimin walks in the bar. Namjoon watches as Yoongi holds his breath and greets Jimin.

"Why do you have so many people here?" Jimin asks quietly.

"It's usually a busy day, why?" Yoongi replies, the two of them talking quietly so nobody thinks much of it.

"Well you probably know what I want." Jimin says, a little louder than what he wanted.

Namjoon and Jin both look in his direction, knowing what he's talking about. Hoseok is just confused as he looks at Jimin, Jungkook is carefully working, and isn't paying attention to Yoongi and Jimin.

"Is Taehyung coming in today?" Jungkook suddenly asks, catching Yoongi's attention.

"Oh uh, yeah, he's closing tonight with Wooyoung."

"Wooyoung? Who's that?" The tone of Jungkook's voice changed.

"Oh, he's new. Taehyung might be training him a bit, but I heard that the two of them kind of hate each other, so I'm interested and seeing how this goes." Yoongi replies.

"Oh. Okay." Jungkook's voice goes back to what it was and then he suddenly looks at Jimin.

"What would you like today?"

"Nothing. I'll be leaving now." Jimin responds, walking out of the bar, leaving Yoongi to be the clown.

"Did you just get dumped?" Jin asks from the bar, looking at Yoongi.

"Just... Get back to work everybody." Yoongi says shakily, walking into the back room.

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