Chapter 1: The Air

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They were all so tired, especially Mint. She was not fully healed but still, we had a rough last couple of days. First we got caught up with some crazy cats that attacked us and then some coyotes. I could tell based on the look on Oister's face that she just wanted to go home.
Kettle was a completely different story, he was excited as ever and he was ready to continue on our treacherous path each day. We had or misfits and falls, we had broken off the path a couple of times. I still had a feeling we were going the right way.
No matter how much Mint and Oister tried to tell me otherwise. I thought about the mountain cats every day, I was not going to lie. I thought about living there. I knew Stoneteller would happily let us in just like their old leader did with Kettle.
I could not bring myself to it. I knew that Stoneteller would let us in, but at the same time he would be greatly disappointed that I had failed with my journey. I just wanted to sleep now, all that had been going on. I could tell Oister and Mint were thinking the exact same thing even though they would not admit to it.
Kettle however looked like he could keep on walking for several days straight with no rest. I did not know how he could do it. Especially when he still did not know if the end goal was true or not.
I sat back for a few moments and let Kettle take the lead. I wanted to sleep, Mint and Oister both had their heads down, they were thinking the exact same thing. I knew that we couldn't, I knew that if we layed down to rest, each day we did that, then the lazier and lazier we would get.
I would not lie, Kettle was the one that was keeping us up. I did not say anything about it because I was thinking the exact same thing as Mint and Oister. I stayed back and I yelled for Kettle to stop.
He looked back at me surprised and Mint and Oister looked up at me with the same looks on their face. Even though Kettle was the one that was keeping us all up, I was still the leader out of all of us.
"I think we need to rest for the night. I am tired, Mint and Oister are as well." I said to Kettle. He looked at me a bit surprised. And at the same time he looked a bit angry, not at me by any means but it still had me a bit taken aback.
"What? We could be so close... At any moment we could find the lake." He said to me. He looked at me a bit sadly, I shook my head though. We had been in nothing but fields, and it kept on going like that we were in the woods right now but I could see more fields in front of me.
"Kettle... We are tired. I know that you are too. We need a good nights of sleep. We have no had one in a while. Nothing but rogues and Coyotes every night." I said to him. He looked at me and he shook his head. I sighed, I knew that he would not bring himself to do it. He was surprisingly the one that wanted to keep going out if all of us.
"Moon... I think it is you that is just tired. You are the leader so step up and act like it!" Kettle said to the both of us. I looked at Oister and Mints faces and I knew it to not be true. They were even more tired than I was. Oister was the one that stepped up however.
"He is stepping up Kettle! Me and Mint are both tired. He notices it and he is as well. I know you are tired too. I can see it in the way you are walking." She said to Kettle. Kettle looked at her a bit surprised. This was the first time I had seen her give Kettle any sort of back lash. She was right though.
Mint nodded her agreement and then she looked right back at the ground. Kettle lowered his head and then he nodded to her.
"If that is what you all wish. I will not deny your request. Lets find somewhere to stay for the night." Kettle said to all of us. Oister nodded and and Kettle took the lead for all of us. Mint fell over though and I ran over to her.
Oister and Kettle were going on ahead and if Mint did not get up I would have to yell at them to stop. I looked at Mint and nudged for her to get up, but she did not respond. I could tell that she was either asleep or she was unconscious.
"Kettle, Oister! Stop, something is wrong with Mint." I yelled to the both of them. Oister quickly ran over to her to come and check on her and make sure that she was okay. Kettle looked a bit annoyed but he began slowly walking over to us and the look on his face changed when he realized that Mint was not okay.
Her face was growing pale and I was afraid of what it could possibly be. Squirrelflight said I would lose many I loved in my life and on this path that I was destined on. I looked at her checking through her body to see what it could possibly be.
What Jayfeather had taught me, which was not as much as I would have liked to learn, said nothing about this. I was so afraid for Mint, I loved her and this was clearly not normal, I feared for her life. I then realized what it was. I could see a bit of blood going through the cobwebs on her stomach.
The heat of the fields, the blood, and the walking non stop had probably gotten to her. She would be fine but she would most definitely need a few days of rest, I knew that Kettle would not be too happy about that. But I knew he cared for all of us so he would get over it.
"Is she okay?" Oister said to me looking at me. I knew it was more or a question as if she was going to be still alive and whether or not she would somehow make it out of this. I looked at Oister, I did not really know what to say to her. Then I looked at Kettle to get to his head that this was how it was going to have to be.
"Yes... She needs sleeping and some new cobweb if you can go and get that for her. We are going to have to stop for a few days. She is unconscious. We will make the decision a day or so after she wakes up." I said to her. The first part was mainly for Oister so that she knew that she was okay but the rest of it was aimed towards Kettle.
"Alright... I will get some cobwebs for her, you too stay here, Kettle can you find a place for us to stay for the night." Oister said to her mate. Kettle looked at her and then he nodded to her. All the low energy from Oister had seemed to disappear, but that's what usually happens when you are worried about something.
"Yes... Go ahead now, I will find us a place." Kettle said to her. Once Oister knew that things were going to be okay she headed off to get the cobwebs for Mint. Kettle looked at me a bit sad which confused me a little bit.
"Are you okay Kettle?" I asked him. He looked at me for a few moments as if he was going to shake it off and say that he was. But surprisingly he actually shook his head, it surprised me because normally he was the happy cat out of all of the group.
"No... Do you not like me, I see you give me looks from time to time. Is it because I talk like I'm the leader? I know you are the leader but I was like that with Stoneteller too. He got over it." Kettle said to me. I looked at him a bit surprised and I shook my head. He nodded to me thankfully.
"No... You are a great cat, but I do see that you have to realize that the cats around you are struggling, I am tired but it isn't just me, your mate is too. Mint is unconscious..." I said to him. He looked at me a bit sadly but then he nodded his understanding.
He looked at the ground a bit saddened but I walked up to him and nudged him, I gave him my best look of a smile and he smiled back at me. I could tell that he did feel a bit bad about pushing the other cats a little bit too much though.
"Lets go look for a place to stay for the night... How about that." I said to him, I was doing my best to get his mind off of that subject. He looked at me and then nodded, thanking me that we were not talking about that anymore.
We then both began looking for a place to stay for the night, I then realized we had gone a bit too far and we had both just left Mint alone. I felt a bit bad but I also felt a bit scared and worried for her at the same time.
"Are you okay?" Kettle asked me. I turned around realizing that 1 of us needed to go back and take care of Mint and make sure that she was okay. You never know if she could wake up or if she could be attacked by something at the same time.
"Yes... I just forgot about Mint, one of us needs to stay back and take care of her." I said to him. He looked at me and then nodded, I could tell that he felt a bit bad that he had completely forgotten about her. Both me and him, I needed to make sure that she was okay.
The other day I had asked her to be my mate, late one night when Kettle and Oister were alseep I remember it, it was so sweet, and it felt nice to finally experience true love with another cat.

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