Steel Run

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Ricky go to Nini house. He had many questions for her. However he brought weapon in case he need it

Big red decided to go back to house because he had big mad

When Ricky arrive at Nini he was prepared to ask Nini questions. He would first say
"What were you doing with Ashlynn?"

Ricky then ring doorbell of Nini house. He was then let in. He then proceed to ask question.

Nini respond
"We were out shop together"

Ricky then ask
"Do you know what happen to Ashlyn!"

Nini respond

Ricky then ask
"Did you help her"

Nini says
"No. She broke railing. Nothing I can do anymore"

Ricky was then about to leave when Nini grab his arm. She then told Ricky

"I am sorry for breaking up"

Ricky then respond

Nini then say
"It was mistake, like EJ."

Ricky then ask
"What happen between you two?"

Nini then explain
"I was doing tiktok dance when EJ walk in. He then say ew and it was never same."

Nini then continue
"So answer is?"

Nini plan would have work on any loser because she was manipulative.
However Ricky evolve.
He use to be level 1 Simp who write song for underage girl.

(Ricky = 19 | Nini = 17)

However Ricky is now level 100 Chad who beat women with facts and logic.

Ricky quickly turn away when Nini interrupt him again.

"You cannot leave yet! EJ is just outside"

Ricky then start to beat Nini with facts and logic
He start his essay

"My name is Ricky. I am 19 year old and live in the northwest section of Utah where all the big sad is. I am not in relationship. I go to east high and go home at 4 pm everyday. I no vape but occasionally drink."

Ricky continue to beat Nini with logic until she hear door open.

Nini then say
"Just get in closet or bad will happen. EJ read my dm everyday and get big mad when there is another man"

She then shove Ricky into closet.

EJ walk in to Nini house
"Hi Nini"
"Hi EJ"

Ricky then listen in on their conversation

"Do you know that Ricky dad got arrest?"
"Because he drink while drive. He should be release soon though"

Ricky continue to listen until bad start happen.
His phone ring.

He quickly try to put it on vibrate but EJ notice.

EJ then say
"Wait there is mystery happing and I will solve it"

Ricky see who call
It was Ashlynn.

EJ jump out from chair and ask Nini
"was that phone?"

Nini Respond
"I don't now!"

EJ then start looking around for noise. First he check bathroom.
He pull back shower curtain, then check cabinet.

Nini then say
"EJ come back! We had good conversation!"

EJ then say
"BEGONE THOT I Hear other Phone ring in this goddam house"

Nini start biting her nail. She was about to get find out.

EJ then look around at living room. He check the stand then table. He start to look at the closet.

Ricky start sweating bullets he then pull out the big iron on his hip.

EJ start approach closet

He walk menacingly toward closet

Ricky prepare to shoot.

EJ was now  at closet and say
"I wil kill you if you no leave this house"

He then swung open closet

Ricky then step out with gun and say

"No you leave this house "


EJ was now staring at Ricky. He was staring at him menacing.

Nini then say
"Let me explain!"

But EJ Say
"I can clearly see what going on."

"EJ continue
"Serious? Behind back in our home?"

Ricky then say "Wait minute hold on!
Sir we can work this out, calm ass down. No lose control"

EJ then say
"THOT I am fool for not knowing. I knew that you would do bogey thing in this house. Howeve I go mass every Sunday so I have you benefit of doubt"

Ricky then say
"You go to church so let's settle this Christian-like"

EJ then say
"Hell Naw I would kill you if you did not have that gun in your hand"

Ricky try to think about what EJ was think but could no come up with anything.

Ricky try again to leave house. But EJ stop him this time.

EJ say
"Do no leave yet. You see this"

Ricky say
"I have gun so I will leave"

Ricky was turning into delinquent

EJ then pull out phone and started dial someone.
He say

"Hello baby"

The person respond
"What is going on?"

EJ respond
"Look I need you to turn your car around ."

The person reply
"What is going on"

EJ then say
"Look just do what I say"

Now of all time EJ was going Chad

EJ then say
"Since we are coming out of closet, I am not going to be only one brokenhearted"

Ricky then say
"If you only let me explain then this won't happen"

Nini then say
"EJ is mistake see , he does bad things for no reason. That why he check my dm."

The voice then say
"I am at the door now open up"

Ricky then thinks about who this mystery lady could be. He was interest
He thinks about all the women friend he have.

Ashlynn? - In hospital
Cortney ?
And list ended.

EJ then say
"This is something I have want to say for long time "

Ricky then say
"I will shoot you if you don't say what on your mind!"

EJ then say to Ricky
"you sit down for this."

Then there was knock at the door.

EJ open it up.

It turns out it was Mr. Mozzara

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I am big sorry for this
Have good day!

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