The mental hospital.

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"How,what,when " he said.

"I stabbed her because she was going to tell everybody and I didn't want them or anybody to know about us " I said.

"How could you,you knew she was my life "

"Ino I'm sorry please just let me explain "

"Okay explain,why is she dead "

"Okay well I told her to shut her mouth and not to tell anyone and she said what if I don't shut my mouth and then she said what,you gonna stabbed me and burie me and not tell anyone,I said yes so she handed me a knife and said to do it and said stuff like we wount be together and all,so I stabbed her "

"That's why you said lets leave "

" Yes I'm sorry "

"Im so mad at you its over get out and give me the ring "

"Here I don't even deserve anything or anyone "

"Bye "

"Goodbye Tony "

I am so stupid to tell him but so right to tell him, he deserved to know because he hasn't done anything wrong to anyone. I only had my suitcase and my jacket,shoes and my handbang and all the money I had in my purse was £743.90 . That wasn't gonna do anything for me but food,drinks and proberly some new clothes but I doubt it 100%.

"Hi can I have a meal for one please " I said to the waitress

"For one ye wath can I get you "

"Roast chicken,mashed potatoes,carrots,peas and a glass of water please"

"Yes of-course that will be £28.53 please "

"Here you go "

"Thank you your food will be her ina bit "

"Okay thank you "

So my food came and it was lovely an when I was finished I left to go to the toilet,I seen visions of Tony's sister Sarah and I was screaming,throwing things to get her out of my mind,then all I know is that I was in the hospital and it wasn't any hospital it was a mental hospital.All I knew was that I was confused and didn't know why I was here .

"Excuse me why am I here " I said to the doctor.

"Because you where screaming,shouting and throwing things so the waitress at the resteraunt ad so she called us and told us that you where screaming,shouting and throwing things and also taking to yourself "

"No I done that because my ex-fiance dumbed me because I done something aw-full "

"Well you can leave if you want or we can help you with you dumping of the fiance "

"Yes I think I'm gonna stay because I need to get over the dumping of my fiance "

"Okay well I'm your doctor and I'm gonna help you get threw it all "

"Okay thanks "

"Goodbye I'll see you ina bit "

"Okay bye "

I actually am kinda happy to be here so I wount have to deal with anything out in the outer world.And also that mean i don't have to put up with Tony and I also don't have o see him,speak to him or even walk by him.So now I'm gonna be a single women and when im out of here and back to normal I can find myself a new man and not have to put up with all of this ever again.

"OKAY EVERYBODY LIGHTS OUT AND GO TO SLEEP "said the eircom in the hospital.

So everybody turned the light of and so we all fell asleep.

The next morning I had a visitor so I went to the visiting room and I looked around to see who was here and there my visitor was.

"Hi Sinead " she said.

"Mam " I said

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