Chapter Four: A Strange Feeling

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Harry wakes up feeling like he's being watched. His body is on high alert, heart thumping away in his chest, a few drops of sweat slipping from his brow, and his body tangled up in his sheets. The feeling of being stared at is so real that he tugs harshly on his sheets and covers his bare chest.

Niall guiltily jumps away in fear as Harry bolts up from his sleep. He admits he had been watching the boy rest since the early hours of the morning when he had shifted back into "ghost form."

If he were human he would be blushing like mad right now.

Niall couldn't help himself though. There was just something about Harry that piqued Niall's interest; apart from his obvious good looks.

Harry looked so peaceful while he slept. The almost permanent scowl he wore was gone, making him look younger and more gentile while he snoozed. He even made funny noises here and there which Niall couldn't help but smile at.

Harry quickly scans the room for an intruder but nothing looks at all out of place. The cardboard boxes still sat perfectly stacked in a pyramid next to the closet and his door was still in fact, locked.

Niall wondered why Harry was so closed off. He was such a mystery and Niall wanted to figure him out, put all of the pieces together. Maybe someday. Niall rolled his eyes at his thoughts. Not likely.

As Harry finished gazing around the room, uncertain as to why he had woken up feeling so strongly that someone was watching him, he met his own scared gaze in the mirror. His wide green eyes stared back at him. His hair was a terrible mess, probably all knotted up from tossing and turning all night, too long for his liking but he couldn't be bothered to get it cut.

He looked silly, his sheets pulled up to his neck to hide his toned body and his comforter laying in a heap on the floor. He kicked it off sometime during the night, it being too hot in his room. He cursed Liam for that.

Liam on the other hand had felt quite chilly while he rested in his bed, waiting for sleep to overtake him. He pulled his covers up close to his body and even kept his sweats on to keep warm. He nor Niall knew that he had been radiating this cold energy.

The boy with the short hair turned up the thermostat a couple degrees higher, even though the living room was warmer than his room. He decided to put in a request to have it looked at by the maintenance man the next day.

Liam was shivering in his sleep, Niall noticed when he climbed out from under the boys bed. He took a few steps away from Liam and watched as the boy relaxed and his body stopped shivering. Niall figured it was something he had done, he wasn't quite aware of everything that he could now do and he felt guilty for making Liam uncomfortable.

Harry huffed and fell back into his bed, closing his eyes for a moment. The apartment was silent, which meant that Liam had gone off to work already this morning. He groaned and rubbed his eyes. Harry would like nothing more to go back to sleep right now, but the weird feeling was still there and he was awake enough to know that going back to sleep would not be an easy task.

He removed his phone from it's charger and relaxed back in bed, aimlessly scrolling through social media. Harry never posted much on his social media, he didn't feel the need to share anything about his life. If people wanted to know what he was up to then they could ask.

It's not like he even liked looking at the things other people were doing either, none of it seemed necessary to him. But everyone had social media, so he thought why not. It was something to pass the time during his boring classes Uni or something to distract him from studying.

Harry considered himself a decent student. He fell somewhere on the spectrum between Liam and Louis. Liam had always been a good student and that carried on into his college career. Liam could party over the course of the whole weekend, or not even show up to classes and he'd still get flawless grades.

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