Chapter Nineteen: Small Talk

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"Okay, Niall. You can do this, you can do this," Niall mutters to himself. He's standing in front of Harry's closed door. It's hours since they've come back from wherever they went to give him and Zayn some privacy. It's been so long that Liam had come to kick them out of his room because he was so tired. Niall and Liam spent almost twenty minutes apologizing to each other; Niall for overstaying his welcome in Liam's room, and Liam because he felt bad for kicking the pair out of his room.

Liam assured them that Harry had gone to his room to go to bed.

When they entered the living room they found Louis passed out on the couch in what looked like a really uncomfortable position.

Zayn quietly said his goodbye to Niall, reassuring him that he would be okay and that he'd return tomorrow night to see how it went.

Reluctantly, Niall let Zayn leave.

He'd considered waking Louis up just to get his mind off of talking to Harry, but he knew Zayn would be disappointed in him if he didn't at least talk to Harry.

"Come on...stop being such a pussy," he whispers. He can hear the faint music coming from the other side of the door. He hopes that Harry's sleeping.

Hesitantly, Niall brings his hand up to knock on the door. He sighs and knocks quietly so that if Zayn asks he can tell him that he tried, but Harry must've been asleep.

He waits a few long seconds, and he's just about to turn away when the door opens. His eyes lock on Harry's quickly and neither of them say anything.

He studies Harry, the soft light from the lamp on the table beside his bed illuminates his figure, giving him an almost heavenly glow. Harry's leaning up against the door, looking ready for sleep. His hair's a mess, probably from him constantly running his hands through it for the past six hours.

Dinner didn't help. He didn't feel like eating much. He also didn't have anything to say to his two friends, who tried their best to get Harry's mind off of Niall. Instead, he had to listen drone on about Zayn for an hour.

"Uh, hey," Niall speaks softly, averting his gaze from Harry's intense stare.

"Hey," Harry says as equally quiet. He waits for Niall to say something.

Niall shuts his eyes tight, suddenly feeling very awkward, "Can we talk?"

Harry bites his lip and assesses Niall. His hair is tousled, and he's playing with his fingers nervously. The same light that Niall had been admiring on Harry spills onto his face and he looks so soft and warm.

He wants to be upset with Niall, but he isn't. He's worried and wanting some answers. This was the moment that he'd been waiting for all night.

"Yeah, come in," Harry steps back, allowing Niall to slip through. He shuts the door quietly behind him and turns to Niall who looks like he'd rather be anywhere than here.

Niall watches Harry walk over to his bed and sit, leaning up against the headboard.

"You can sit, you know," Harry says, gesturing to the empty spot on the bed next to him.

Niall hesitates for a moment, his gaze locked on Harry's. The boy sitting on the bed gives him a blank stare, not letting Niall allude to what he could be feeling. Harry is good at masking his feelings and it only makes Niall more nervous than he already is.

Niall cautiously makes his way over to the bed. It's eerily silent. Harry watches Niall like an animal watching its prey, ready to strike when the moment is right.

Niall sits cross-legged, facing Harry to see him better. He's looking down at his lap, playing with the fringe of his jeans like it's the most interesting thing in the world.

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