Chapter Eleven: Home Alone

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"You can't be serious," Liam frowns at Harry.

"Liam," Harry glares at his roommate, "Lower your fucking voice."

In response, the older boy rolls his eyes and resumes cutting up the watermelon for his fruit salad. He tries to ignore Harry's reaction to him telling him that he's staying the night with his girlfriend.

"I don't get what the big deal is, he's nice."

Harry groans and puts his head on the counter. He doesn't want to spend the night in the apartment alone with Niall. He had been uncomfortable and weary ever since they had discovered that Niall was in fact a real(ish) person. He had thought about the fact that Niall could see anything and everything that he was doing, and now he would rather be anywhere else besides his own home.

Although he could spend the night in his room working on homework, but he had seen enough of his room the past three days. He couldn't take it anymore.

All he wanted to do was relax and binge eat junk food with a good film playing in the background, not worrying about a certain blond haired ghost creeping around.

"That's not the point," Harry sighed, "It's weird."

"What is?" Liam asks, popping a piece of watermelon in his mouth and offering some to Harry.

Harry waves it away with a frown. He doesn't know why Liam's making him say this out loud, he should know exactly what he was talking about. When Niall was a ghost, they had no way of telling where the lad was in the apartment, and Harry was worried that he was hanging around, listening to their conversation.

Liam doesn't react to the begging look that he's giving him. He knows exactly what he's trying to tell him, but Harry needs to accept the fact that they have a new roommate, no matter how strange the situation seems.

He's hoping that Niall is somewhere around listening. Not because he wants to hurt the lads' feelings, but he deserves a chance to hear Harry and when they are alone later, hopefully they'll be forced to interact with each other and become more comfortable around each other.

"It's weird that he could always be watching us," Harry finally responds, a blush of embarrassment creeping up on his face when he recalls that Niall might've seen him nude.

"You've got to accept who he is."

Harry rolls his eyes. Liam makes everything sound so goddamned easy.

"You aren't worried that he probably watches you while you're in the bathroom, or changing, or sleeping?"

Niall's upset. He of course wasn't trying to make anyone uncomfortable, it was obvious that he had made a big mistake when sneaking into the bathroom with Harry. He knew that Harry didn't care for him, but he doesn't go out of his way to do creepy things like watch them sleep or change. He had heard enough.

Both Liam and Harry jump when the bowl of fruit spills over, a few grapes rolling across the counter towards Harry. Liam quickly sets the bowl upright and grabs at the grapes, trying to catch them before they fall off the counter.

Liam glares at Harry, "Look what you've done. Why do you have to be such a prick all of the time?"

"You're the one that made me say it out loud," Harry hisses back. The stool screeches against the floor as Harry pushes himself away from the counter and stands, "You dick."

"The quicker you learn to treat Niall like you'd treat anyone else, the better everything will be for everyone."

"It makes me uncomfortable that he's here. The whole thing is crazy!"

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