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Toni POV
So I will try my best being annoying by poking Cheryl, asking her weird questions and acting like a 9 year old but she still hasn't left me. Which is weird the last person I had as a bodyguard didn't even last a week with me but Cheryl been with me for around two weeks.. I'm starting to wonder if She a robot
"Are you a robot?"
I asked
"Toni I'm a human now can you get off the tables your gonna fall."
She replied
"I'm not gonna fa-"
I said that when I slipped and nearly falling face down into the floor but Cheryl caught me before that happen. She then puts me on her lap
" do I have to sit on your lap?"
I asked not that She wasn't comfortable..
"So you don't look like an idiot around your friends."
I look around and nod
Cheryl pov
I know what toni doing. And she won't get rid of me that easy plus I know how to calm those types down. Like right now when I put her on my lap she behaved. Maybe if I kis.. nope I can't think of those beautiful lips.. Oh shit I have a crush on miss topaz. What am I gonna do?!

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