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Toni POV
I grabbed my bag and put on a jacket.
"Toni where are you going...?" Cheryl said
"I'm.. going to my grandfather house!" I said
"O-oh I should go with you" Cheryl said as she grabbed her jacket
"Cheryl..I wanna go alone.. you take care of yourself.." I said and Cheryl nods
I walk outside and hop on my bike. I start driving to the bunker. I look at it hopefully I don't get myself killed.
I open the bunker up and start climbing down
"Hello?" I said
I look and I see betty mouthing me "Get out of here!"
A guy gets up from the chair. The guy was wearing a mask
"Oh good you're here." The guy said but for some reason he had a familiar tone
"I'm here.. now let them go.." I said
"Well I thought I should Catch up with my daughter.." the guy said smiling into the mask
The guy took his mask off

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