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sorry for the sudden switch to lowercase but it's for aesthetic don't bulli

the sun was barely peeking out behind the slew of gray clouds as emperor anxiously waited at the door to gloves' house. he had answered when he rang the doorbell, tentacles messy and out of place, quickly told him to wait, and rushed back inside. 'twas an interesting sight to say the least. regardless of that, gloves really needed to hurry. if they didn't leave now they were going to be late-

emperor's thoughts were interrupted by the sudden, very fast opening of the door, scaring him in the process. he and gloves were both wearing their usual outfits, and gloves' tentacles were actually in place now. "sorry, sorry, i woke up a bit late." he gave a small smile. "ready?"

"of course. i presume we are taking the train?"

"yup!" the two began walking the short distance to the train station. "do you think blue team can beat the x-blood?" he looked at him in the eye with a hint of worry.

"although the x-blood are indeed a powerful team, blue team is just as good, if not better." he returned the stare with a small, warm smile. "i believe the blue team can beat them." the smile was returned.

once they reached the train station, they patiently waited, making small talk along the way. the train arrived, they entered, and finally reached the audience stands at the stage skipper pavilion. but, as soon as they arrived, gloves immediately got stolen by his team members as they busily talked, emperor watching awkwardly, slightly jealous.

"oh! sorry emperor, i forgot you were here!" gloves happened to catch him in the corner of his eye. "you guys, i invited emperor to watch the match with us!" they greeted him while emperor had to process what gloves just said. did he know what he had just said? he blowed it off, greeting them back.

goggles and his team arrived some short time later, saying hi before leaving to the preparation room. the match was set to start in ten minutes, so emperor and gloves decided to get something from the snack stand.

"ah! emperor, is that you? you don't have to pay, it's on me." apparently the vendor recognized him.

"thank you but it is fine, i will pay." he spoke humbly in response.

"you sure?"

"yes, i insist." he handed the vendor some gold, and he went off to the kitchen.

"you're so popular that you almost got free food? wow, i wish i could be like you." gloves gave a small smile, though it was slightly bittersweet.

"you might be just as powerful as i am, gloves. do not doubt yourself like that."

"oh? then how about we battle each other one-on-one to see about that." his eyes lit up in determination.

"how about we do? humpback pump track tomorrow at 9 AM sharp." he shared the same look.

"so early. are you trying to choose an early time just so i could be tired and not do as well?" he joked, laughing a little.

"absolutely." emperor stuck his hand out. "deal?"

gloves took his hand and shook it in affirmation. "deal."

oh wow i'm still alive
i am so sorry for the short chapter and for how long i've been gone,,, seriously i'm so sorry u guys
i'm gonna start writing more, so there will be an update every 2 weeks probably, maybe less. maybe.
anyways- would you guys want shorter chapters (not as short as this but about 1000 words) with shorter update times or longer chapters (2000+ words) with longer update times?

You'll Be Mine // Yandere! Emperor x GlovesWhere stories live. Discover now