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(Amy's point of view)
Sitting in the next steep felt odd and almost eary considering that my best friend and my boyfriend weren't there. Piper had told everyone that she was picking up some homework from her locker to do while in the colourful cafe. But Finn had disappeared from sight after the rehearsal. Piper was taking an awfully long to pick up some books. Making an executive descision, I exit the tea place to find Piper.

I approach the locker room door and here voices. One that belongs to Finn and one that belongs to Piper. I can't exactly decipher what they are saying as the wall muffles the conversation. I know that it is wrong to eavesdrop, but what harm could come from listening to this one conversation between my two best friends.

"What do you mean? I told you why." Piper tells Finn, clearly irritated.

"You like me, don't you Piper." Finn accuses her.

"D-d-don't be r-r-r-ridiculous." Piper stampers out but is cut off by something. I need to know what so I poke my head around the corner and see them kissing. My boyfriends lips are connected to my best friends lips. I couldn't watch anymore, it was wrong. My stomach was in a twisted not but after around 3 seconds Piper pulls away. I can tell that by the look in her eyes she is furious.

"How could you?" She whispers in anger, "Do you not realise that you just cheated on my best friend?" Her words really hit home. Finn, the person I love, just cheated on me.

"But P-p-piper. I'm your best friend?" Finn says confused. I couldn't believe how selfish he was being right now. Was there any coming back from this?

"If you think that after you just broke my friends heart, broke my trust for you and probably broke Amy's trust for you, I'm just going to forgive you and we can be best friends. I can't believe you! You are being so SELFISH!" Piper yells. I couldn't help but agreeing with Piper. She was summing up exactly what I was feeling.

"Piper, please don't tell anyone!" he says, his voice cracking with emotion.

"If you think that I am not going to tell my best friend. You think that I am just going to let this slide. You think that I am just going to forgive you and be your best friend again. If you think that, then you don't know me. So you better tell Amy and apologise, or I will!" Piper says, her voice thick with venom, her brown eyes glaring at his blue eyes.

He walks towards her, as if to hug her. I winced. Did he really not care about me that much. Was I really not worth it. I watch as Piepr places both of her hands on his chest and push him away.

"Don't touch me." she whisper dangerously. He winces back, "I don't want to look at you." She finishes on the verge of tears. Through this whole situation I thought I would have no friends left. Piper was proving me wrong and standing up for me, or at least against Finn and that was enough for me.

"Piper I am so sor-" He starts.

"Just don't. I can't deal with this right now. You have hurt me Finn, and you have hurt Amy too. You need to except that, and figure out how you are going to deal with it." She say, anger cascading from her words.

"Piper, please. I really like you and now knowing that you like me..........."

"You should've thought about those feelings before you dated Amy." Piper says her last bitter remark before swinging her bag out of locker 13 and turning around to exit the filthy locker room. I lock eyes with her and instantly now that it was mistake. Pipers eyes go as wide as saucers and she appears as though all the air has been pushed out of her body.

Her body begins to tremble and I know that her heart is racing out of control. I rush into the locker room to consol Piper, not making eye contact or talking to Finn. Her breathe comes out in short raspes. All the sudden she clutches onto her lower ribcage and slowly slides down the locker that her back is resting on. She holds her head in her hands. I squat next to her, not knowing what to do. I felt useless. She looked around the locker room, as though looking for an escape. She locks eyes with me. Her eyes are wild with Panic.

I put my hand on her back to help her up. It is drenched with sweat. I pull her up regardless. Was she ok? Was this usual? I didn't know. I hadn't seen her like this at all. EVER! She took a deep breath and locked eyes with us. It seemed that she was getting her breath back. She took a deep breath, scooped her bag off the ground and bolted out of the locker room. Soon afterwards I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I checked it and saw thankfully that it was a text from Piper.

'I am soooo sorry. It wasn't me I promise. Jusst seeing you, I thought you would hate me. I had an anxiety attack. I'm fine now.'

I breathed a sigh of relief. She was ok. I then recolected my brain and stalked out of the locker room. I didn't want to look, let alone talk to Finn.

(Authors Note)
How is it even possible that a trash wirter like me, has over 600 views. I can't thank you enough, it means the world to me. I do apoigise. I could not find out what locker Piper had, at all. It was impossible. If you do know, please tell me in the comments. And also please don't hate on me because I might not have gotten the syptoms of an anxiety attack right. I researched it but couldn't go from personal experience as I am blessed and don't have anxiety. Feel free to comment any critisms, opinions or reccomendations, I love reading your comments, it makes me so happy. Also please vote. I love you guys more than you could know <3


I've Fallen in Love with my Best Friend {a Pinn love story}Where stories live. Discover now