Supporting another day more

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Jackson POV

Aghase thanks for the gifts .- I said trying to smile at the fans, trying to hide my sadness, the fans reciprocated my smile, the other boys ignored him and were already starting a can of this suspicious situation, leave the microphone next to the table where Mark was flirting with a noona from the staff.

Sighing, trying to hide my jealousy, I rolled the table to take a seat next to Youngjae when he heard the screams from the fans, but it didn't matter, it was Bambam and Yugyeom doing a fan service.

It's Chansung-Oppa.- The screams of the fans were heard I got up quickly I can't believe it, it was him standing with a bouquet of roses I laughed softly Hyung was very detailed when he felt guilty.

Jackson Wang.- He shouted my name, I blushed, I could feel the looks of the boys on me.

Hyung doing here.- I said surprised to see him here.

Sorry for not being yesterday yesterday I had another commitment, forgive your fool Hyung.- said the boy hugging Jackson tightly.

I already told him not to worry, I understand that he had other commitments to make Hyung.- I said in return the hug.

No Jackson it's my fault you wanted to spend time with your best friend, you wanted to tell me about your problems and I couldn't be with you I'm a bad friend.- he said sad he separated me from the hug

I looked at him tenderly and hugged him.- Hyung you are not to blame for your work this first.- he reciprocated my hug pressing me against his body and the fans yelled at me I forgot about them.

They are watching us Hyung.-

It doesn't matter Jackson, you are my friend and I know when you need a hug.-

I don't want problems with them Hyung.-

I know Jackson but the one that matters now is you not those idiots baby.- Chansung said looking at the six boys who saw his gaze on Jackson's back.

Go talk to your fans Jackson I'll stay with you all day.-

Seriously. And the other Hyung boys? .- required Jackson.

They stayed at home to rest.

Well I'll go talk to them Hyung.- said the blonde turning away from him to talk animatedly with his fans.

He sighed frustrated to feel the looks of the boys turned to see them staring cursing them inside.

What the fuck are you doing here Chansung? You are very far from home.- Youngjae said staring at the stupid friend of SU Jackson.

I did not come to see you I came to see him.-

He doesn't need you here.- RL minor from GOT7 said.

Do not speak for him brat.-

The six of us don't have to want here, ”said Mark.

I came to take care of him.-

The six of us will take care of it here. Jinyoung replied seriously

Chansung laughed sarcastically. "If they take care of him well, it means ignoring him, mistreating him and fucking him is taking care of them, they take good care of him," Chansung said, starting to get angry.

Shut up, you don't know anything. Jaebum's furious whisper didn't want to get the attention of fans.

I know damn only what they want to fuck him, and after they fuck him they look for others to keep fucking him and they force him to what they see he doesn't deserve the shit you do to him he deserves someone better than useless like you .- Chansung lost his patience.

And who are the best of you six.- said sarcastic Bambam.

Better than you are, he waited for Jackson to notice and leave them or to change groups.

We have more people behind us.- Bambam said.

If so, because they are with him.-

You don't care about that.- Youngjae said.

I care because Jackson is the person I love.- Chansung replied.

What the hell did he say.- Yugyeom said angrily.

Stay away from him.- Mark threatened him.

Chansung-Hyung.- Jackson arrived excited next to the mayor.

What's up jacksonie.

I'm excited that you're here with me although I miss the boys.- said the foreign boy.

How about you guys and I stop by you tomorrow and go watch movies.

Seriously Hyung.-

Yes Jackson.-

Thanks Hyung.- said the minor hugging the boy.

You know that you guys would do anything for me baby and I love you very much Jackson.-

I love you too Hyung.- said the minor in a whisper.

The boys and I want to talk about your toxic relationship with these damn.

I love you Hyung.-

But they are not you baby.- he said in a whisper.

Separated from Jackson.- I'm leaving baby I'll come by you tomorrow.- he said

Chansung walked to the other members of the band and whispered.- if I see him cry I will take them away I do not care how much I have to do but I swear that I will take them away forever damn.- I whisper coldly away from the place.

Welcome to this great story and left you in the first chapter

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