CHAPTER FOUR: Who Do You Think You Are?

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"So you found a note. So what?" Dylan asked Ava.

"So what?! The note said the exact place Andrew was killed and the time that he died!" Ava replied.

"That doesn't mean Luke killed him, Ava. Maybe it's the Professor covering their tracks."

"I thought we decided that the Professor did kill Andrew? And since when do you stick up for Luke, Dylan?" Caitlin asked.

"The Professor killed Andrew, which is exactly why I don't think Luke did it. Luke doesn't seem like the deep, scientific experiment type."

"For all we know the Professor is lying right to our faces. I'm not one hundred percent sold on the idea that Luke killed Andrew, but the note that Ava saw is the best lead we've got," Mona said.

"I agree with Mona. The note shows means and opportunity, and Luke harassing you adds to motive," Alison added.

"Why would he keep the note, then?" Dylan asked.

"Maybe Andrew wrote it to Luke wanting to meet, or Luke wrote it to Andrew and then took it after he shot him to cover his tracks," Ava suggested.

"I'm still not sure of this."

"You want this to end, right?"

"Yeah, but not with more bodies being added to the count. First Nolan, almost Jeremy, that ray dude, and now my boyfriend!"

"I understand how you're feeling, Dylan, but this is the best chance we have. Just trust us on this," Alison said.

Dylan thought about it for a moment, and still wasn't wanting to go along with it.

But there's strength in numbers, so he gave in.

"Fine. Just try not to involve me in whatever investigating you do. The last thing I need to add to Dana's suspicious about me is that I'm a stalker."

"Fair enough. We can meet back her after classes," Mona told the girls.

"Sounds good," Alison agreed.



Class was over, and just like always, Alison was left packing her things next to Dr. Fielder.

"So what'd you think about the lesson, Vivian? The Bobo Doll Experiment's one of my favorites," Dr. Fielder said.

"Honestly, I thought it was pretty obvious. Everyone knows that children follow what people older than them do around them. I didn't think they'd need an experiment to prove that," Alison replied.

"Well, Professor Bandura wasn't testing that, he was testing the Social Learning Theory, which helped a lot of people understand how their own actions affect other around them. I assume you know all about that kind of thing."

There it was again. Another comment that seemed to hint at her past in Rosewood.

"Dr. Fielder-"

"You can call me Elizabeth, you know that right?"

"Sorry. Just a courteous thing. What do you mean by I know all about my actions affecting other people?"

"Well, everyone knows about it. They learn that from a young age."

"It just seems like you're specifically targeting me, though."

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