CHAPTER TEN: What Have We Done? (Part 1)

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12:08 A.M.


Alison sped down the empty roads leading to the hospital as she called Taylor, Ava, Caitlin, and even Dylan.

"Guys, it's me. Something's happened to Mona. You need to get to the hospital as fast as you can!" Alison said before hanging up. 



Alison had arrived at the hospital a few minutes before the others.

She ran up to the receptionist's desk.

"I'm here for Ali Dee. She was brought here about twenty minutes ago?" Alison asked, our of breath.

"Let me check," the receptionist replied as she began typing.

"Are you her emergency contact?" 

"Yes. I'm Vivian Darkbloom."

"Ms. Dee is currently in surgery. It seems she was in a fight rather than a simple beating since there are signs of a struggle. She suffered multiple blows to the head that will require stitches or potentially even staples. They're also looking for signs of any brain damage, and it seems that she has broken her right arm."

"Is she going to live?"

"Yes, but the doctors are unsure of how responsive she'll be after this incident. She could be put in a coma for sometime, or could even be brain dead."

"Oh my God."

"Vivian!" a voice called.

Alison turned around to see Ava, Caitlin, Dylan, and Taylor coming toward her.

"What's going on? Is she okay?" Taylor asked.

"She's going to live, but they're not a hundred percent sure on what the total damage is," Alison replied.

"I can't believe this," Ava said. 

"You're all welcome to stay while they operate on Ms. Dee," the receptionist said.

"Thank you," Alison replied.

The receptionist left her desk to attend to another matter.

"Was this the Professor?" Ava asked.

"Who else would it be?" Dylan replied.

"I thought the Professor doesn't want to kill people?" Caitlin asked.

"Again, how much of that do we believe?" Ava replied.

"None of that matters. Yes, we need to know who did this, but we also need to be ready for whatever happens to Mona. Dylan, thank you for coming," Alison said.

"Of course. As mad as I am at all of you right now, you're still my family," Dylan replied.

"Does this mean you're back in?" Ava asked.

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