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The girls had followed the police car Dylan was taken away in to the police station.

They were right behind Dana, Officer Thomas, and another officer as they walked Dylan in.

"He didn't do this!" Alison said.

"Get a lawyer before you say anything, Dylan!" Ava added.

The four followed as much as they could, but before they knew it, Dylan was gone with Officer Thomas.

Dana, though, had stayed behind a moment.

"Are you at least gonna give him a phone call?" Caitlin asked.

"Who's he going to call, Caitlin? His family? I doubt he wants them to know about this. You girls should go. I have a feeling this is going to be a long day," Dana replied before walking through a door that lead to a hallway of interrogation rooms.

"She's right. There's no point in staying," Mona agreed.

"But they have to know Dylan didn't do this!" Ava argued.

"You're talking about the same people who thought we killed Nolan," Caitlin pointed out.

"Exactly, and we've seen what they're capable of. So we should go, and we can try and find ways to get Dylan out," Alison said.

The girls looked at the door Dana had walked through longingly, wishing Dylan wasn't where he was.

They began walking out the door, but ran into someone unexpected on their way out.

"Sorry," Luke said after Ava accidentally bumped into him.

The other ignored it, but Ava couldn't. She had some explaining to do to Luke.

"I'll be out there in a second. There's something I need to do," Ava told the others before walking over to Luke.

"Luke!" she said.

He turned around.

"Ava. Is he okay? Where is he?" Luke asked.

"Whoa, calm down. He's fine. They just took him to an interrogation room," Ava replied.

"I can't believe they think he did this."

"Neither can we."

Luke was too busy worrying about Dylan that he didn't even remember what he was going to say to Ava.

But Ava knew what she had to say.



"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry...for making Dylan think you killed Andrew because of some stupid note that I didn't know the context of."

"It's okay. Mistakes happen."

"Yeah, mistakes, sure. Not making other people think someone killed someone."

Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists Season 2Where stories live. Discover now