Chapter Seven

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Wow! I haven't felt this good since.....well ever! I just got out of the shower and I was still shocked about the fact that they got to have hot water. Lucky basterds!

I had gotten in the shower after putting up all the new clothes I got and organizing my new room. It was ten minutes to eight and then I will have to go to Jack's room.

A pounding noise comes from the door and I furrow up my eyebrows in confusion. Who in their right mind would want to visit me?

I walk to the door and look into the peephole and see Zach standing there with a big grin on his face. Yep, should of know.

I roll my eyes and open the door. Zach coming in before I could say come in. Aren't princes supposed to be the ones with manners?

He looked good today though. Bright red jeans that hugged his legs and I just knew that it made his ass pop. A black shirt with a design on the front was on his top half...admittedly I wouldn't mind if he didn't have anything on at all.

He had bright brown eyes that when you looked hard enough had gold specks in it. His lips looked soft and so freaken inviting, it was insane. His cheeks had a rosy tone to them that was just so darn adorable! The point being it was hard not to fall for him.

"Yes?" I ask, wanting him to leave so I could go to Jack's room

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"Yes?" I ask, wanting him to leave so I could go to Jack's room.

"I wanted to know how your first day of school here went?" Zach says, walking over to my desk and placing his bottom on it, while looking at me with bright eyes.

I feel myself soften while looking into those brown eyes. "It was....different."

"Good different or bad different?" Zach asked, giving me his full attention.

"Good I guess." I tell him. Jack, Jonah, and I stuck to ourselves and everyone else seemed too scared to approach us. Which I was just fine with. The more people that stood out of our way the better.

"Any plans for tonight?" Zach asked with a smile. I tense up and glare at him.

"Why are you asking?" I question him, did he know our plan already? We haven't even come up with one truly ourselves. We had the outline but no details.

Zach's eyes widen and he throws his hands up in defense, before hopping off my desk and walking over to me.

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out, chill man! You need to learn how to relax." Zach said, before winking and continuing with, "lucky for you, I know some great ways to get you to relax." Zach finishes with a naughty grin.

Damn Zach was something else. I fight back a smile and shake my head. "What did I tell you last night?"

"Hmmm, I don't know, but I do know I was somewhere right here," Zach says walking right up to me now, leaving only a few inches away from our bodies. Since I wasn't sitting this time though, he just had to tilt his head the tiniest bit if he wanted to kiss me.

"Doing this." Zach finishes saying. His arms coming up and letting his hands grip my shoulders and massaging them once again. Damn it! He seemed to have magical fingers and like last night it took me longer than I would like to admit to push him back.

"And I believe I said you don't want to fall for me. I am trouble." I tell him with a pointed look.

Zach pout. "Your no fun."

"I have to go." I tell him, hoping he will get the hint and leave.

"Where are you going?"

"To hang out with Jack and Jonah." I tell him, grabbing my dorm room keys.

"We should all hang out some time." Zach says with a grin. I actually stop for a moment, stunned. He wanted to hang out with me and my friends for real. Not just to hook up with me.

"Really?" I ask softly. It wouldn't be the first time I was lied too.

"Yeah, why not?" Zach says without hesitation. His head cocking to the left a little when he said why not. Aww...that's cute. Daniel no! You can't get attached.

"I just didn't realized you would actually want to hang out with far you just seemed to want to fuck me." I admit to him with a shrug.

"Okay first off, I want you to fuck me and second, I want to get to know you. You seem like a interesting person and even though you are trying your hardest to push me away and convince me you are a horrible person. I feel like you are actually really sweet and have a good heart. So even if you keep kicking me out, I am going to come back until I break through your hard exterior and get into the gooey interior and then and only then will I let you fuck me into next week." Zach said with a sexy grin and wink, before walking to my door and twisting the knob to open it.

"See ya." He calls over his shoulder, before he is gone and I am left standing in the middle of my room with my jaw to the floor and blue eyes wide. Holy fucking shit!!!

Zach seemed to take one look at me and had figure out all my secrets, that only Jack and Jonah knew. We all put up a front, Jonah having the toughest one of them all, but deep down we all just wanted to be free to be who we really were. But it was impossible.

We had to get the wand for our parents...I don't even want to think about what they would do to us if we failed them. It wouldn't be pretty I knew that much. Death would be nicer than what they would do to us.

I am going to have to be careful around Zach. He can read me too well and that was concerning, but he said he wouldn't stop until he cracked me. As much as I should hate him for that, it just warmed up my insides and brought a grin to my face.

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