Part 1

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Tori Vega was your average eighteen year old. She attended a performing arts high school in Hollywood California, one that went by the name of Hollywood Arts. Ever since she'd moved to the luxurious city from her small town in Florida, things changed. At first, she and her sister Trina attended different high schools. She leaded a pretty normal life, with not many friends and only dating one boy. That relationship didn't last long at all and was full of empty feelings. Then one night, Trina's tongue became swollen at her school's big showcase due to a gargle she was trying or something along those lines. Tori, being nearly forced, decided to perform for her. The school immediately wanted her to attend, as they saw a lot of potential in her. She was reluctant at first, but she accepted. Her previous school was nothing special, and made it much easier to hide her...urges. You see, Tori had a secret. A big one that not even she knew about until she laid eyes on a certain dark haired girl. Sure she knew she was fond of women. But interested in them? No, never. That was before Jade entered her world. Jade West, the most powerful and mean girl at Hollywood Arts. Everyone feared her, not even daring to look in her general direction. Everyone except her boyfriend Beck, Tori, and their group of friends. Tori tried her best to befriend Jade, but no matter what she kept her walls up. She didn't even let anyone touch her besides her boyfriend. However Tori had done it a few times, leaving everyone in shock. Jade would insist it was nothing special, ordering them to look away. She'd be graduating in a few weeks to begin the rest of her life, but deep down she didn't want to. This group of friends had become like family to her. The thought of not seeing them every weekday was very depressing. The thought of not seeing Jade...was even worse. Two years. It'd been nearly two years since Tori met Jade. How much of that time had she spent being hopelessly into her? Probably all of it. It was torturing her, she'd do anything to make her heart stop wanting the goth. Anything.

Tori grumbled loudly as she shut off her blaring alarm clock. Another Monday, great. Rolling out of bed, Tori picked up the clothes she'd put out the night before. Soon after hauling herself down the stairs to eat breakfast. Her sister was surprisingly at the table, making her smile slightly. Trina was hardly home anymore, and she missed seeing her. No matter how much she didn't want to admit it, she loved Trina. Sure she was annoying, but all siblings are.
"Hey Treen." The youngest Vega smiled, her eyes still tired. Trina lifted her gaze to her sister, smiling back.
"What's up Tor? Not sleep good last night?" Tori sighed. No, she hadn't. She was too busy thinking of a certain someone.
"Not really, just stressed for my high school years to be over." She scratched her head. "Normally it'd be the opposite, but I'm nervous. I don't even know if I'll make it into my dream college. What if I go down the wrong path? What if-" Tori was cut off by Trina grabbing her arms.
"Listen Tori, you're gonna do just fine. I'm your big sister, I've watched you grow up and I know you're going places. Though not as exciting ones as I am." The eldest Vega flipped her hair, earning a chuckle from Tori. Even though Trina had greatly matured over the years, she was still a little self absorbed. Tori kind of liked it deep down. Her sister wouldn't be the same otherwise.
"Thanks Trina. Really, it means a lot."
"Of course." She let go of her and grinned softly. "Now eat up, or you'll be late." Tori nodded and hurriedly finished her morning routine.

At exactly seven fifteen, a car horn could be heard in the Vega driveway. Expecting Andre, Tori hurried down the stairs.
"Right on time. Seeya Trina!" When the brunette stepped outside it was a completely different car than she was used to. It was Becks. Jade sat in the passenger seat, clearly disinterested in everything that was going on around her. Tori gulped, remembering the last time she was in a car with Jade. Though this time she wasn't alone, so she would probably be fine. Probably. "Beck?" The boy in question rolled down his window.
"Hey Tori! Andre had to take his grandma to her appointment, so he asked me to drive you. That cool?" Looking over at Jade, Tori noticed her roll her eyes.
"Yeah of course!" She opened the door to the seat behind Jade, sitting down and buckling up. "Alright I'm good, let's go." Smiling, she looked up into the rearview mirror. She felt her breath catch in her throat when she met Jade's gaze. They held eye contact for what seemed like forever until Jade furrowed her eyebrows. She scolded Tori in her usual mean tone.
"What're you staring at Vega? Quit it." Blushing profusely, Tori immediately looked down at her knees.
"Come on babe be nice, you don't need to make the car ride suck."
"The only thing that sucks more than Tori being in here is her cheap perfume." Normally you'd think someone would be hurt by these statements, but Tori was used to it. The two never got along except in private. Even then it was barely civil. Why Tori loved Jade she didn't know; there was just something about her that she just couldn't get enough of. Maybe it was her dominant energy, or her eyebrow piercing, or her beautiful blue green eyes. Despite the insults she usually just shrugged them off. Including this one.
"I don't enjoy this any more than you do Jade. Can we just sit here in silence?"
"I'd love nothing more." The raven haired girl retorted. Sighing, Beck shook his head and focused back on the road. He knew Jade was harsh with everyone, but she seemed to pick on Tori a lot. It always confused him, since Tori was the only other person who actively tried to be nice to her. It took balls, and Jade wasn't letting her have many freebies for her efforts. The three sat in complete silence for the remainder of the ride, albeit it was extremely awkward. Eventually, they pulled up to the familiar large building that most teenagers would consider a prison. Highschool. As quickly as Tori had entered the car she left, thanking Beck for the ride and scurrying off. The boy shot Jade a look, and she merely shrugged.

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