Bottle 05✱ Choosing Options

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|Sanguine Dragon Bar, Vocesai City|

The bar owner was busy serving customers as the night rolls. Haku couldn't wait Cul so she decided to go home instead. An hour passed after Haku's departure, a motorbike was heard by the owner, it stopped in front of the establishment and she was waiting for her arrival.

"So how's the night?" Cul asked while approaching the bar owner.

"Still young and alive, as always." she said, then slides down the beer to Cul while looking at the stage. "Haku was here a while ago. She said that you went here to do business with someone."

Cul drank half glass then puts her right hand inside her coat's pocket.

"Yeah. I do have business to do here Meiko."

"So, it's not for the person that Haku had told me then..." the bar owner said in a descending voice.

"Yeah, exactly." she replied while lifting the turquoise envelope from her pocket, placing it flat to the long wooden bar tabletop. "It is for us, Miss Vermilion."

Meiko grinned. "At last, Master had given me another assignment. I wonder whose life would be pawned by me?"

Before she continued the conversation, Meiko faced the patrons with enthusiasm.

"Let's give this evening a wonderful time! Let's fire it up fellas!" she shouted.

After addressing herself at her patrons, she flicked a seal brown colored switch at the side of her bar station. When the new upbeat music had started to blast the entire pub through the linear black speakers that were attached at several areas of the establishment, the cheering and spirits of the drunk population had spread out quickly like a wildfires on a deserted landscape.

When the music had been taken care of, she draws her attention again at Cul. She placed her index finger slowly at the edge of the sealed envelope.

"Can I ask you a favor 'bout this one?" Cul gravely said, looking Meiko eye to eye, still her finger pressed down on the envelope.

"Sure, Crimson." Meiko said, Cul draws her glance at her glass. "If that's the key to keep you out of this. I won't mind."

"I need to fix things up at my apartments." she said, looking at the tilted empty glass, spinning it to and fro under his finger like it was dancing with the beat.

Meiko smiled. "Okay then." She then she tried to swipe the envelope away under Cul's finger. "Give me the envelope..."

Cul let go of the letter after several times of resisting. "Don't be mad at me Vermilion, I'm just playing with you."

"Oh, the night is still young but you're like drunk too early!" Meiko joked to her while she's hiding the envelope under the table.

The night went on at the bar filled with restless patrons having their great time. They were flipping tables, skirmishes amongst them and some weird dance offs. All of the chaos and fight that was happening the entire happy hour didn't bother Meiko herself.

Instead of her getting mad at them, having fight and fun was the rule of the pub, she even encourages some patrons to engage into one. Fights were allowed, but not destroying any of her properties inside or out. And if such incidents happened, Meiko mostly accepts compensation, sometimes their lives.

After several hours and bottles, Cul left the bar and drove back to her house with ease.


The next morning at the apartments, Haku was taking her breakfast. She was at the kitchen, sitting along near the square table with a cup of coffee while looking at the view outside the hexagonal glass window.

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