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Today is Sunday, so my plan is to stay the whole day inside my bed. But my awesome plan, seems to be ruined by my noisy mother who seems to talk with a natural speaker. Who is she talking to anyway?

Since it seems like my mother has no intention to low her voice so I can keep sleeping. I better move my ass out of bed and have breakfast, my tummy will be louder than mom soon.

I head downstairs and head to the kitchen where mom is. I grab the milk from the kitchen, and ask mom who is she talking too. She answers that she's talking with Chaer's mother... So suddenly?

It's been quite long since I heard about that girl... I remember that when we were kids we were best friends. Everything changed the moment we grew and she decided to become an idol.

-Mom: (hangs up and sighs)
-Y/N: What happens? (eating cereals)
-Mom: Her mother is really worried...
-Y/N: Why? I heard that her group is really successful...
-Mom: Yeah, but our poor Chaer keeps on getting hate comments all the time... Her mother just told me that she cries a lot once she's back at home... (looks down) Poor of her, that kid doesn't deserve the treatment she's receiving...
-Y/N: Oh... (stops crying) Why did she call you?
-Mom: Why?! Because we've been together for too long... We are best friends! Of course she would call me to tell me about her worries...
-Y/N: Chaer and I were best friends and she hasn't called me... Not even once (srughs)
-Mom: Aigo... You are a boy! You both have grown up, it is a totally different situation... I can't belive that you are not able to read between lines...
-Y/N: (rolls your eyes) Whatever mom...
-Mom: Y/N-ah...
-Y/N: Nope, don't ask me to clean again, I already did my chores yesterday mom...
-Mom: It's not that! (smacks your head)
-Y/N: Ouch! What's that for?
-Mom: Because you don't listen to me... Why don't we help Chaeryoungie, hmm? (smiles) Maybe she just needs a handsome boy around her age telling her how pretty and talented she is...
-Y/N: Maybe... (srughs)
-Mom: (smirks)
-Y/N: What? (poker face)
-Mom: Well, it appears that I have a handsome son around her age... Maybe an unexpected reunion can be hold soon and-
-Y/N: Stop right there cause I can see where are you going... (sighs) Mom, it's impossible for me to do something like that! Do you think that we'll reunite again just so I can compliment her?! That's really embarrassing!
-Mom: I didn't know you were a coward... (rolls her eyes)
-Y/N: Coward? (pissed) This 20 years old ass is not a coward mom... And I'll prove you... Tch. (leaves to your room)
-Mom: (chuckles) It always works... That's what I call reverse psychology... (smirks)

Okay... Let's see... What Chaeyoung needs is someone to cheer her up. But I can't just show up like nothing after this years... Then... How do I do this?

I search for the next fanmeeting and it seems to be the next day after tomorrow... I could attend it and act like a fan... But if I don't want her to recognize me, I'll need to hide.

I'll need a mask... Also a cap to hide my hair... Maybe some sunglasses too? Wait, aren't I going to look way too weird? I almost look suspicious like this...

I'll need to quit the cap. Maybe I can just use a whig, the mask and the sunglasses... Yeah, that's it, and also hope and pray for her to don't recognize me... I'll need a fake name tho, what will I answer when she asks for my name to sign the album? Guess I'll just improvise...

-Time skip to the fansign day-

I'm currently at the mall where the fansign is hold. I feel a little bit nervous because it's been quite long since I last saw her. And also embarrassed because of my looks...

A guy of my age shouldn't be doing this kind of stuff... I should be at college instead. But I guess that it'll worth it skipping classes today...

I wait patiently for my turn, and when I'm called, I feel like a pudding shaking completely. I gulp and force myself to walk. Hey, am I even be able to talk in this state?

I pass from a member to another talking the minimum possible, until I reach the center where Chaer is. Okay, here we go... Y/N, keep calm please... Don't mess up now that you almost have it...

-Chaeryeong: Hi~ (smiles)
-Y/N: (trying to change your voice) Hi...
-Chaeryeong: What's your name? (smiles)
-Y/N: (thinking) Fuck! I haven't prepared anything... What do I answer now? (answering) Shadow... My name is shadow...
-Chaeryeong: Shadow? (confused) That's a really weird nickname (chuckles)
-Y/N: Uh... Yeah well... Not at all because, uh... You know, there's a group of fans that have been reunited lately in order to support you (smiles) We are called "From shadows", since we face haters without catching too much attention... I mean, I don't understand why someone would throw hate to you... (smiles) You are really a brilliant girl with so many charms and really talented... Personally, I'm in love with your dancing skills... And I'm gonna skip the part where I talk about your beautiful killing smile because I feel like I'll die of embarrassment... (chuckles)
-Chaeryeong: (starts crying)
-Y/N: A-Ah (panics) Please don't cry... Don't cry, that was not my intention...
-Chaeryeong: Do you seriously think so about me? (still crying) I think that I don't deserve-
-Y/N: Don't say so, you really deserve it! You are Midzy's sunshine! (chuckles) Don't get down because some people doesn't know how to appreciate you, okay?
-Manager: Time's off, pass to the next member...
-Chaeryeong: Wait, Shadow- (receives another fan) Hi... (smiles)

Ouff... That was close... I didn't expect she would cry... I guess that she's still like she used to be when we were kids... Well, now she's really beautiful, I'm glad that I got a chance to see her again...

-Yuna: Hi~ Hi~ (moving a hand in front of your face) I guess you are frozen because you saw your bias Chaeryeong, right? (chuckles)
-Y/N: Ah, I'm sorry... I was spacing out... (smiles)
-Yuna: Your name? (smiles)
-Y/N: Shadow... My name is Shadow... (smiles)
-Yuna: That's a really weird name (laughs)
-Y/N: Yeah well... It has a meaning behind (smiles and thinks) I meaning that I just made up... I actually lied to her, there's no fan thing called "From Shadows". What if she actually searches for it?

I think that now I'll need to create something like that. I'm sure that there must be some Midzy ready to join me... But, what are my friends going to think about this? They'll make fun of me if they discover that I'm doing a fan club of my own childhood friend... They could even get the wrong impression!

Well, I'll think of something once I return back home... For now, I should just show this signed album to mom and prove her that I am not a coward...

The fansign kept on going but I couldn't take Shadow out of my head. That boy seemed weird at first sight... I thought that why was he hiding that much, but after hearing the meaning behind his name I understood...

I'm really touched. I didn't know that there was such group of fans defending me... I would had liked to talk some more with Shadow... Actually, why don't I try to look for him?

-Ryujin: Chaer you are spacing out again... What's wrong?
-Chaeryeong: Nothing... I'm just curious about that boy named Shadow... I would like to talk with him some more...
-Yeji: He's a Midzy I don't know if we have it allowed?
-Chaeryeong: I don't care... I'll look for him. I have still a lot of questions... It's the first time that someone compliments me that much... (smiles almost tearing again)
-Lia: (hugs her) Don't cry... Midzy were worried before... (caress her back)
-Chaeryeong: I'll look for Shadow! It's a decision... (determined) I must thank him properly for everything...
-Yuna: (Looking through the van's window) Oh look, isn't that him?
-Ryujin: It is, right?
-Chaeryeong: Aw... I would like to stop the van and approach him...
-Manager: Impossible, that's too dangerous... If you want to talk with him, we'll investigate them first...

If Y/N just knew that he made something really big by his words.... Will those words change his future and create a big revolution inside the kpop's world?

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