Chapter one: Why, wait who are you?

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Melody POV

"I don't understand what's wrong with me. Maybe I'm just a freak, or maybe I'm mentally off. What I do know is that I'm pretty certain I'm the only person in here who isn't speaking to their guardian angel. Oh wait...I don't have one, that's why." I thought as I looked around my classroom. Our teacher had given us "guardian time" to speak with our angels. Okay, let me explain this. When your born you get a guardian angel, technically he or she is your best friend and will go to great lengths to protect you and make sure your happy. You however are the ONLY person who can contact, talk, or see them. So as a precaution to make sure we don't neglect our guardian our teacher gives us "guardian time" so we can talk to them in our minds about stuff that we may not have spoken to them about. A cool concept it really is, at least if you have one. Unlike me.

I was born without one. I'm irritated and lonely...I seriously don't get why I don't have one. I asked the priest down the street from me and all he told me was that it was "Gods plan" or whatever.

I jumped hearing the bell ring and quickly grabbed my backpack and scurried out of school. I jogged down the street, hooked a right and went into my house.

I saw my mom laughing at the table by herself which told me she was talking to Rebecca. Her Guardian angel. My dad's name was Ramona. He said she's very strict and harsh. My mom said hers was very funny and had a thing for tequila. I smiled and waved at my mom and wondered upstairs.

See I knew I had a guardian...everyone does. I just want to figure out how to get in contact with them. I threw my bag onto my bed and thought. I glanced around my bedroom until my eyes landed on my Ouiji board. I felt the gears in my head rapidly turn. I grinned and walked over to my dressed and pulled out three white sent less candles. I grabbed my Ouiji board and turned off the lights. I quickly lit the candles and took a deep breath before placing the tips of my fingers onto the piece. I glanced at the board, scared of what could happen.

"Hello? Is anyone here with me?" I asked clearly. The piece on the board didn't move for a moment until it moved slowly over the word yes. My eyes widened and I smiled. "How are you?" I asked. It began to move faster spelling out the word "good". "What is your name?" I asked. It began to spell out the letters. "D" "A" "M". Then stopped.

"I-is your name Dam?" I asked. The piece then continued to more letters. "I" "E" "N" then dead stopped. "Damien?" I said. The piece moved to the yes. "Oh, well that's a lovely name." I said happily. "So, Damien. Are you around me a lot?" I asked. "Yes." The piece said. "Are...are you my guardian angel?" I asked hopefully. Suddenly the piece violently jerked to the no. "I-I'm sorry...but if you aren't my guardian then why do you hang around me?" I asked. "I am." The piece spelled out. "Am what?" I asked. "Guardian." It spelled. "What are you?" I asked getting confused and frustrated. "Your Guardian Demon." My eyes widened. I wanted to take my fingers off and put the board away. "Demon?" I asked. "Yes." I felt my heart pound. "I'm going to go now." I said. The piece didn't move. I tried to force the piece down to the word goodbye but it wouldn't budge. I felt a pinch of fear go down my spine and I lifted the piece and slammed it down on the board, hopefully breaking the connection.

Everything was still and silent. I watched the candles and listened to the flame tick. "Well that was rude." I heard a masculine voice say behind me. I shrieked and ran before turning around to see a man laying across my bed. I pressed my back against the wall and watched him. "Who the hell are you?!?!" I screamed. "Well you where just talking to me. You've never been good at matching names and faces though." He said, his deep voice prominent. "D-Damien?" I shuttered. I watched the man stand up. He was easily 6'4 and much taller than my 5'4 height. I looked up at him. I could hardly make out his features in the dark candle lit room. Though through the dark I could tell he was handsome. "Hello Melody~" he said, a smile on his face growing, exposing one particularly sharp tooth. I felt his hand light go down my arm. "Hm. It's weird actually touching you. Usually I just watch you." He said. I nervously laughed and ducked under his arm and scurried across the room. "Well that's not creepy at all! So um...what? Now I get to see you all the time?" I asked looking down at my hands. "Well," he said sitting down against the wall. "Yes, you do because you somehow pulled me through the spiritual barrier I put between us." He said. I looked at him and narrowed my eyes. "What the hell?! You put a barrier between us so I wouldn't be able to see or talk to you?! Why?!" I said utterly pissed storming towards him. "Calm down, I did it because I wanted to be able to protect you but...I don't know I didn't think you would like me." He said looking away from me. I widened my eyes and felt a small blush creep on my face. "O-oh...well...I would have I mean your my guardian. I love you, you keep me safe don't you?" I asked. He looked up at me, his crimson eyes shining. "Yes. I do." He said. I sighed and smiled as I held out my hand. "Then I have no reason to hate you." I said. He flashed a smile at me and harshly gripped my hand and pulled himself up. I looked at at him. I noticed how his black hair swished just above his eyes and his skin looked silky. I felt a blush creep on my face but it quickly went away when I heard his stomach growl. "Haha ya hungry?" I asked. He laughed slightly and nodded. "Well, then let's go raid the fridge!" I laughed before pulling him out of my room.

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