How did he know???

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(Phinex pov)

I wonder what's so important about this letter? Maybe I can just take a peek. (reads letter) Shit I would never guess I mean like she is always happy no matter what happens in the day she always has a smile. Why is she so scared of Elly then if this has been happening.

(calls Elly)

Me: "Hey where are you? I need to know something"

Her: "School where are you and what's up buttercup"

Me: "Shit I forgot about school and is Kats dad abusive???"

Her: "Where did that come from? Why did you see anything?"

Me: "No what is there to see? You need to spill and the sooner the better"

Her: "Meet me at lunch by" (end of convo)

...................................................................................... later at lunch............................................................................. .....................................................................

(Elly pov)

"Hey so what's this all about Kat? What's goin on?" I ask worried and confused. "She told me to give this to her mom and I got curious so I read it" *gives it over and I read it* "We have to find Kat or she might try and do something again" "Wait again???" "Hmmm well the way we met was by me saving her life ever since then we've been best mates" "I'll call Kris and Trenton" "And I'll call Jace he might know something" *they call everyone* "Trenton said he saw her at the beach but she ran off" "She hates the beach though" Why would she be there she can't swim and that's the place where we met. SHIT she's trying to kill her self again. "We have to get there NOW!!!!"

(Phinex pov)

Shit what's going on she never goes there no one knows why though. "Why does she hate the beach so much?" "That's where we met now come on we have to finder asap" "I have a car. come on I'll drive" never thought that I would say that to Elly and mean it. "Nice car where did you get it?" "My mom"

...................................................................................... ................................(skip way to beach)........................................................................... .......................

(Kat pov)

I hope Elly understands why I must do this. I just can't take it anymore. It got to bad and I think she would rather me take my life then let him. "KAT!!!!!!! DON'T!!!!!!!!!" I hear someone yell but I don't care who it is. I made up my mind and that's that so I jumped. It felt right I was at peace finally. Next thing I noticed was that Phinex was next to me and he wasn't trying to get out he was just right next to me slowly sucking in water. so I poled him out and he started to cough up water. "What the fuck are you doing!?!" "If you want to die I won't stop you but I would die right there with you" I was speechless I never thought that I would hear that from the one person I truly love.

(Phinex pov)

Did I just tell her how I feel??? "You want to know who I love more then anything in this world? Well I love you and I always have it's just I was scared that you didn't love me back" where is all this coming from? "I don't know what to say.... I love you too but I have lost so much that's why I never showed it to you"

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