[One-Shot] "I don't have a mommy"

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This is obviously BPE

TW: Roasts, Muslim stuff, different languages, some kinda smutty heat at the end ;) *wInK wOnK*


[3rd Person's POV]

"Good morning everyone!" 

"Good morning Ms. Vanavil!"

The brown-eyed Tamil smiled at the five-year-olds in front of her as she sat in her black rolling chair. Today, she was wearing a violet sleeveless shirtdress patterned with red outlines of flowers, and pastel pink ankle heels. Her usual outfit. Her black hair goes down until her mid-back and has a fishtail braid that goes down her shoulder. Her bangs are wavy and side-swept and she wore a lavender rose crown. Pravini Vanavil had tan skin and is the Kindergarten teacher of 21 students. Today was a full day of activities and surprises, and all the kids were settled down on the learning carpet, which had the letters of the alphabet in multicoloured squares that circle around the ovular spruce coloured carpet.

Vanessa was in the back of the group, separating herself from her 20 classmates. She was 'the quiet kid with many talents but prefers to hide them' kid. However, if forced to, Vanessa will participate in activities. She also might decide to join in on her own free will or because she might want to. However, she can be really dramatic on purpose for fun which makes the rest of the class entertained. She's good at drawing and acting. She loves flowers and thunder. She's shy and her twin cousin Dahlia is in a different class. Dahlia and bestest friend forever Mia, are in the same class, so Vanessa started out lonely. However, she later made two friends here. A Pakistani hijabi named Saarah, and a freckled brunette named Eleanor. The three are Kindergarten best friends and sit together whenever it's circle time.

"Yesterday, Marina did such a great job of telling the date! So it's now time for a new friend to help us!" Ms. Vanavil clasped her hands together and gave a friendly smile. All of the kids but Vanessa raised their hand as high as they could, begging to be chosen. Vanessa didn't want to be picked, because she-

"Vanessa! Why won't you give our friends a hand?" 

Vanessa didn't want to be picked, because she was scared of being all alone and having eyes follow her made her sweaty. The brunette gulped and nodded as she got up from her far away spot and made her way to the whiteboard. Ms. Vanavil gave her student a reassuring smile and got a faint grin back. The young woman pointed her pointer at the date in the top right corner of the easel-like board. Vanessa looked at her classmates and felt 42 eyes stare. Her eyebrows furrowed and she felt uncomfortable, tugging hard on her dress and chest.

The young artist then looked down on her chest and saw her symbol and remembered the most important men in her life. She took a deep breath and exhaled as she laid her focus on the red-rodded hand pointer and the date.

"Today.. is... Monday... March... 23rd..." Vanessa was startled by the sudden applause she was given. She blushed in embarrassment before bowing and returning to her faraway corner on the carpet.

"Great job Vanessa! You were really brave! In fact, when your dad comes to pick you up at the end of school, I'll let him know what you did this morning. He is going to be so proud of you!" Vanessa let out a huge, innocent smile then closed her eyes in a wide grin in pure happiness. 

"Now, I hope you all remembered to bring something for Show and Tell. We'll have library time, our share circle, and then Show and Tell. But for now, let's work on our 'P' words! Grab your journals, everyone!" The kids scrambled to get their journals from their backpacks. Vanessa got her pink, rectangular paper book from her Disney-themed backpack and made her way to her table in the corner with Saarah and Eleanor.

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