Hi, I'm Death

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" Skull! It is nice seeing you after so long! " a certain grim reaper chimed in. Meanwhile, Spirit is waiting for his impending doom at the hands of his former schoolmate. Skull looked at the weapon and said " You are lucky that this is more important otherwise I would have brought you to either Stein or Verde to test you, " The death weapon shrieked when he heard he would be back in Stein's lab after this is over. " Okay okay, enough of this! Skull did you bring some guests?" Shinigami-sama asked as he shinigami chopped Spirit's head. Skull who just remembered his colleagues almost get shot by Reborn. The cloud turned to the headmaster and explain that the arcobaleno's his meister and family.

Squalo interrupted his explanation by yelling. " VOIII!!!WHAT THE FUCK IS DEATH WEAPON?!!". The representation of death just sighs and explains how their society works, status, mission and all. Soon, they understood that kishins were once human but got corrupted and it is their job to collect their soul before they harmed more human beings.

An hour of explaining from three different people, they understood 95% of this. " Now that's cleared up, shall I inform you of your task, "asked Lord Death. He turned to look at the rest and say" don't worry you can train in one of the empty classrooms while I talked with Skull about somethings" The arcobaleno were ready to protest but waved off their complaints saying it is fine. They reluctantly left skull in the death room with the headmaster.

The group were lead to an empty training room by the mad scientist. " I will help the weapons transform and the meister form a partnership bond," he informed the gang. After an hour Skull arrived. His job was to help the students, who were picked by Medusa, capture baba yaga's Castle and locate Asura. Before he goes to see the students, he went to see how they are doing.

Shortly entering, he almost gets hurt and electrocuted by an electric mace. The person wielding it was Belphegor who didn't care about the damage. For a bunch of people who had just been informed about this society, they were getting used to it quickly. They were caught up to speed faster than expected. He knows that he will have his partners getting used to him in a weapon form but it will take some time.

book 1: The Arcobaleno's death weaponWhere stories live. Discover now