The holiday.

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Today was finally the day! 

Joe opened his eyes to the bright beaming sun shining through his wide, freshly cleaned window. He slipped on his blue jeans with the small rips in the knees where he had fallen the day before. A sharp pain throbbed through his skin as his jeans passed over his freshly grazed skin. He didn't care. He was excited for the week ahead. 

It was time for him and his family to travel on their annual holiday. This year was different. The cabin they normally stay in was fully booked, so they chose a remote spot in the hills of the North to explore. 

Joe was always excited to see new places and try new things. His twin brother Will on the other hand, didn't. Will was very nervous about everything, particularly new places where there is water. He had a phobia of water from being a baby. A strange and unjustified phobia some might say, his mother always believed he would grow out of it, and maybe he would. 

Joe ran into his brothers room filled with excitement. Will was already awake, fretting and worrying like he always did before going on holiday. He hadn't slept, he told Joe that he had a bad feeling about the holiday. Little did he know that his feelings would be justified.

Dad threw their bags into the back of the car, eager to set off on his annual getaway. Mum and Dad worked hard all year round to go on this holiday. It was the highlight of the year for the family. Dad worked away most of the time, the boys loved spending time with him whenever they could. He would always bring them a gift back from his long trips away. Mum was a nurse, she loved to take care of people. She worked long hours so the boys didn't see her much either, so the holiday was their favourite time of the year!

The boys hopped into the families old car. The seats tatty and worn, the seatbelts faded and the cushioning barely existent. Their Dad had bought that car years before the boys were even born, it was basically an old shed, but a loved one. Will hated travelling, this particular time seemed more anxiety invoking than before. No one, not even will, could understand why.  

After a journey that seemed to last a lifetime, they arrived at the cabin they were staying at. 

The lake was just outside. Peaceful, with a small dock that had a wooden boat for the boys to sail out on. Perfect for their scuba diving adventures. Joe had convinced Will to give it a try, something he never managed to do.

Joe ran towards the cabin, excited about his new adventure. Will was more apprehensive. The cabin just off the lake was a big wooden lake house, it clearly had not been used in some time. The off white paint flaked off the wooden slats. The floor creaked under their feet as they edged closer to the door of the cabin, Will cautious with every step. 

He ran his hands along the wood, the splintered paint cracking under his soft skin. 

Mum and Dad lugged their baggage up the stairs and into the house, calling for Joe's help. By this time, nervous Will had paused at the top of the steps. 

He slowly turned his head towards the lake, staring nervously at the water lapping against the dock. The colour turned darker the longer he stared. He sensed something - something sinister...

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