Chapter 1

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'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''meanwhile with the Sins'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

No ones P.O.V

Elisabeth was relaxing on a field enjoying the peace and quiet. She was filled with that the war was over and defeated the

demon king from taking over the kingdom. She was also happy that Both Meliodas' curse and she are free from their

curses. "Hey, Elisabeth!" A voice in the distance called out to her. Looking out she saw Meliodas and behind him where

the other sins. She couldn't help but smile seeing her friends "Hello their Sir Meliodas and to you all." She said with

a sweet voice "How are you all." Then out of nowhere there was a flashing light and started talking. "Seven Deadly Sins

I must warn you about what the demon king." The light said in a low voice, but it wasn't in a threatening way and his

voice sound calm. 'Wait what do you mean to warn us about the demon king we already defeated him?!?!" Said

Meliodas."You must find the Eight Sin the wolf sin of life-and-death find them and also find the Seven Arc Guardian

Angles from the lost clan." the voice said to Meliodas."Hold up?!?! We don't know who you are or what are you!? Heck,

how can we trust you for that matter." Said Ban as he argued with the ball of light" For what we know you could be a

demon trying to trick us." "If I was a demon I would have attacked you by now bandit Ban or should I say Ban Yoi

dorobō." said the light. 'How the hell does he know my last name?!?!' (It's not his real last name don't I made it up -_-||)

leaving the Fox Sin of Greed in complete shock. "Yoi dorobō? Ever heard that before? Was that an old nickname or what

Ban?" The Dragon Sin of Wrath asked the tall man "And why you look pale?" Gowther the Sin of Lust then said in an

emotionless voice "It seems to me that this man is telling the truth." The ball of light spoke up in a loud voice " I am

God." saying calmly "And I am from a

mysterious unknown clan called the Trinity Clan." 'Why does that name seem familiar?' saying Meliodas in his head.

Before he could say anything he was interrupted by Hawk the pig

screaming. "THE WHAT CLAN!!!" the little pig running around in circles."Yes, that is from the clan I am from, long ago

before any of this existed I was the one who created the universe. I decided to make life on this planet, and so I did my

angles helped me by taking care of the life in this planet." He was explaining "Then I thought of creating all the clans

giant, fairy, human, vampire, and goddess." "Wait hold up you mean to tell us you were the one who created the clans

and the universe?!" King was asking in a confused and shocked voice "But what about the demon clan? If you made

those clans how come the demon clan exists?" Everyone looked at the light waiting for it to respond then he talked again

in his loud voice but could her sadness in them. "Yes let me explain when I made the clans I chose an angle to that race of

the clan," he said to them in a deep sad voice "But one of my closest angles wanted to become the most powerful being to

rule all the clans and become king, I knew that he would slowly turn greedy for this power and destroy everything."

"Then what happened?" asked Diane in a curious but sad voice. "He was my closest friend, my right-hand angle, and the

most beautiful of all, but when I heard this I knew I had to banish him from the clan." He answered, "He became a fallen

angel and I gave him what he wanted to become king of a clan, which was the birth of the new clan the demon clan."

Everyone stood their shock at what they heard the light tell them and felt a shiver down their spins. "So you mean to tell

us that your friend wanted that you banished was the first demon from the demon clan," Hawk said sounding scared as

always in situations like this. "No, not just a demon he is the Demon King." The light responded. "I am sorry to say, but

the Demon King is already defeated so there is no need to worry." Merlin said in her usual calm voice "We defeated

long ago along with the Ten Commandments and Six Black Knights so there really no threat and if there is nothing we-"


BEYOND YOUR BELIEF!!" He said in a loud booming voice as the light glowed brighter as he yelled "THAT IS WHY I


scared everyone. Then Meliodas was remembering something about his father saying something about the Trinity Clan

to four people he has never seen before but he didn't know too much about it. Looking up at the light he saw the figure of a

man in the light then thought to himself 'He could be lying, but then again what if he is right, what if father somehow

survived? Well on way to find out!' "Okay, we are in!" Smiling at the light. "WHAT?!?!" Was the response from his

crew. The ball of light then spoke, "thank you Meliodas may you have a safe journey if you are in trouble take this." A

hand emerged from the light and gave him a necklace that was very beautiful.

(This is what it looks like

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(This is what it looks like.)

"If you are in serious trouble say 'Divine light of the Lord' only use this when you are in serious need of help." He told

the blond-haired boy. "Thanks!" Said the boy as he looked at the light smiling. "I wish you all luck." the light said once

last time then disappeared. "Well, guys looks like we are in for another quest who's ready," Meliodas says to the rest of

his group. They all looked and each other, all shaking their heads in agreement then turning to their captain. "Well lets

get this show in the road!" Ban saying with his usual smile along with the rest of the sins.


Hope you guys enjoyed this and sorry it took so long 😓😓😓 well I hope you are all safe and remember always wear a helmet ⛑.

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