I'm Sorry

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  “My love, trust me had i known they were here, i wouldn't have brought you.” you felt like passing out. 

“Why would she not want to see her own mother and father?” you heard your mother's voice. It sickened you. 

 All you saw was your grandfather yelling as he fought with your parents. You couldn't move. You couldn't speak. You felt as if you weren't even really there. 

“Stop.” it only came out as a whisper as they kept yelling.

“Stop.” it was a bit louder. You watched as Ben got up from the table and walked towards you and Matt. they were still fighting. 

“STOP.” you screamed out. Just then everyone turned to you. The tears poured down your face as you looked at your grandfather. Ben stood on the other side of you. He put an arm around your shoulder to try and calm you down. 

“NO dont FUCKING touch me.” you yelled in his face. You were crying so hard Matt proceeded to hold your hand again. He said nothing knowing you needed to let it out. 

“I’m so sick and tired of you trying to be nice in front of everyone so they think you're nice.” you turned to the room. “Newsflash he's an asshole, and a giant one too. He acts like we're friends, but we're not. Me and Matt are friends.” 

They all stared at you like you were crazy, but you didn't care. You were sick of everything. 

“Y/N you're embarrassing us stop it right now.” you're mother said from her seat. You turned to her. 

“No. You don't get to step in and parent when it benefits you. BOTH of you. It's not fair that you ignore me and act like you hate me, but when we're in front of your friends you act like I'm everything to you two. This isn't even embarrassing. you wanna see embarrassing? I'll show it to you!”

 You let go of Matt and walked further into the dining area. “These two assholes haven't seen me in three years. They ignored every call, every text, and every single fucking attempt i made to have a connection with them. We’re not a family we’re a fucking joke. The only person who cares is pop pop! He raised me, but they won't tell you that. You know why?”

Everyone was silent. Now they were looking at your parents who looked nervous. 

“They won't tell you that he raised me, because they want you to think they did. They want you to think I turned out great with them as parents. If I were being honest though they didn't have shit to do with me. I work my ass off to get the grades I get. I work my ass off to help with charities, and fundraisers at school and in my personal life.” 

You turned to your father who made his way over to your mother. 

“The worst part is I can't even hate you. I want you both to love me so bad, but i know it will never happen. It's okay though. I don't need you guys. I have pop pop and my friends. It's you guys who are losing out on something great, not me.” there was nothing but silence. Deep down you were screaming at yourself for what you had just done, but you needed this. You walked over to your grandfather and hugged him. You whispered an apology before running off. You heard your name being called by everyone, but you didn't care. You wanted to get away. You ran right out the door and just kept running. It was cold, but you couldn't feel it. It was about 5 minutes before you realized you didn't know where you were going. In your weird anxious haze you left your phone back at the Skywalker house. That's when it all hit you. What were they saying about you? Were they laughing at you? You kept running, you stayed running for a while. 

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