Chapter 3

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"Senku-chan~" Gen murmurs, his eyelids half-closed as he stared at the male before him. Senku says nothing as he peppers Gen's face with sweet kisses. Gen whimpers, gripping tighter to the scientist.

"Don't hide your beautiful voice." he teases, untying and undoing the mentalist's obi. "HEY SENKU!" a voice yelled. Both the male's eyes widen, frozen in surprise. "What!" The scientist responded, throwing a cover over his partner.

"Pretend you don't exist." He directed at Gen, making his way to the window, looking down to see Chrome's figure. "Why are you being so damn loud?" Senku grumbled, climbing down the stairs.

"Sorry, I was just trying to get your attention." Chrome grabbed Senku's shoulder, bringing him close. "Come on man, some of us are still up and are ready to continue partying!" Chrome yelled, pulling Senku away from the shed and towards the village.

Gen looked out of the window, seeing the two figures walk back to the village. They got smaller the farther they walked away from the shed. Gen sighed, feeling a twinge of unhappiness. What was this feeling?


It was morning time in Ishigami Village and the villagers surrounded the bag of tungsten rocks. "Hmmph, I don't see what's so special about them. They're just regular old rocks, maybe a bit heavier but that's all. And we evacuated all we could get." Magma stated, very confused about why the rocks were precious.

"With these rocks, We'll beat Tsukasa~" Gen pointed out "We'll beat him with these rocks? Now I get it!! We'll throw rocks at them!!" Ex-village chief yelled, grabbing some of the tungsten.

A/N - Completly unrelated, but I forgot his name.

"I don't think that's what he meant, father..." Ruri laughed nervously. "He can't help it. Father is from the past era, after all." Kohaku stated, watching the old man look in defeat at his daughters.

The Kindom of Science started the morning, splitting into two groups to quicken the work. Chrome and Kaseki were in charge of building some science thing to pinpoint the heat for burning the tungsten toothpaste material, while Senku and Gen were in charge of making the toothpaste material.

"Come here and help me, fellow modern man. All the other villagers still don't anything about science." Senku grabbed the mentalist by the collar, dragging him towards the lab. "Is that so~?" he replied, entering the lab.

"This is a stupidly long procedure. Since you don't understand a millimeter of it, so I'll make it simple." The scientist said as he poured some brownish liquid into another tube. Gen looked up above him, seeing a jumble of letters and numbers. Jesus Christ, help me.

"If we heat the blue jewels with sodium hydroxide and crystalize it with shells, hydrochloric acid, and ammonia...We can mix it with honey that we've also heated!" Senku explained, watching Gen's eyes widen in perfect realization.

"Okay! I've understood it all perfectly, Senku! Honey! Heated Honey! I've perfectly understood that part!" Gen grinned, his chibi form appearing. "As I thought, Chrome would have been 10 billion times better..." the leek haired male complained.

"I think it would have been hopeless no matter who you brought here, apart from yourself that is."


"See Senku-chan! You're all pretty now!" the mentalist giggled, putting a crown of lilies on the male's hair. Senku nodded, taking the flower crown off and handing them back to Gen.

"Pay attention to me~" Gen pouted, putting the crown back on his head. He sighed, looking up from his measurements. "Are you watching the honey heat?" the scientist asked.

"No, if I was I wouldn't be here," Gen stated, quickly glancing at the honey. "It better not taste bitter," Senku warned, going back to his measurements.

Gen sighed, trotting back to the honey. No fair, he's not paying any attention to me! I want some attention! Gen took off the flower crown, looking down at the white lilies.

"Do you know what these flowers mean?" the sweet tender voice of his mother asked, looking down at the young boy clutching to her leg. He shook his head, looking cautiously at the flowers in front of him.

"White lilies, pure and majestic. It's heavenly to be with you." the woman explained, giving one of the lilies to her son. He smiled, touching the flower petals.

"Mommy, you should give one to Daddy." the young boy stated, returning the flower to her. "Hmmm, that's a good idea." She looked out into the horizon, admiring the colors of the sky.

"Mentalist." Senku snapped, getting the attention of Gen. "Hmmm, sorry about that." Gen chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. Senku knit his eyebrows looking at him worried.

"Oh! The honey!" Gen shouted, running to the back where the honey was sitting in the tiny oven. "Ahhh, I'm so sorry Senku-chan. It tastes slightly bitter, did I heat it for too long?" the two-tone male handed the flask of honey to the scientist.

"Nah it should be fine. Just don't eat any more of the honey." Senku stated, pouring the honey with the rest of the stuff. "Now we're done." Senku mixed the two compositions, satisfied with how they turned out.

"Finally!" Gen sighed in relief, falling onto the ground with exhaustion. "Stop being dramatic, you barely did anything. Besides, we still have to heat the tungsten toothpaste."

"Urgh..." Gen groaned. "Come on, chop, chop. We don't have all night." Senku lifted the mentalist, bridal style. "W-why are y-you so fr-fric-cking heavy!" he wheezed, dropping him on the ground.

"Ow! Urgh!" Gen yelped, his cheeks still rosy red from when Senku was carrying him. "Sorry, I didn't think you were that heavy." Senku dropped down, patting Gen's shoulder.

"You didn't have to carry me," Gen whispered, leaning into Senku's touch. "But what if I said I wanted too." the scientist responded, wrapping an arm around him. "Someone could walk in."

"Let 'em walk in, let 'em see, I don't care," Senku responded, kissing his head. He touched the lilies, admiring the mentalist's work. "What do they mean?"

"Assuming they mean something?"

"Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if they hold some hidden meaning."

Gen smirked, tracing his finger over Senku's lips. "I'll tell you at the price of a kiss." He leaned, stopping a couple of millimeters from Senku's lips. "I can pay that 10 billion percent." Senku leaned in about to kiss Gen.

"HEY SENKU!" Chrome yelled. The two blushed, pushing away from each other. "Ya in there?" Chrome walked into the lab seeing the males on the ground, just chilling. If he had walked in a couple of seconds he would have seen about to kiss.


"Oh yeah! You're going to like it." Chrome pumped his fist into the air. "Well have fun you two, I'm going to restock on my flower supply." Gen got up from the ground, stretching.

"You should stick around." Senku sated, grabbing the glass that had the tungsten toothpaste. The mentalist glanced at him, seeing a faint blush. Cute, but I feel like teasing him.

"Sorry Senku-chan~" He sang, "I'm afraid if I stay, I won't leave," Gen smirked, exiting the lab as Senku stood there, embarrassed. Chrome looked at Senku then the direction of Gen, confused.

Senku clears his throat, "Come on, let's see how the pinpoint heating machine works against the Tungsten toothpaste." The two exits the shed, Senku stopping as something in the left corner of his eye caught his attention.

"Heavenly to be with you." is written in small English letters, near a patch of grass. "What's wrong?" Chrome asked, looking back to see his partner staring at the patch of grass.

"Nothing, let's see the machine."

A/N - 1,285 words

Love Was  Irrational Till I Met You (Senku x Gen)Where stories live. Discover now