CH.1 Birthday Wish

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Chapter 1

Alec covered his face with his hands as Maksim and Clare sang happy birthday to him. They were so off key, it was almost painful. Clare's voice screeched like a little bird, hitting the high notes with every ounce of strength in her body.

When they finished with applause from their parents, Alec threw his head down on the table.

"Ah I thought that would never end," he groaned.

"Uncle Alec!" Clare jumped into his lap.

"Yes, baby doll?" Alec picked his head up and sat her down properly on his lap.

"I counted the candles all by myself," she said proudly.

"Is that so?" Alec laughed. "Well then, thank god I am not 200 years old like your grandfather."

"That would have taken forever," Maksim laughed. "We only had to count up to twenty seven for you."

"Don't remind me."

"Alec," Owen smacked his arm. "Don't be so dramatic."

"You've aged like fine wine, my friend." Mavi said as she bounced Cleo, now one, on her lap. The little girl was a spitting image of her sister.

"Mommy helped me bake the cake," Clare pushed her dark locks out of her gray eyes as she stared at the chocolate frosted mess.

"You didn't leave any egg shells in there this year, did you?" Alec eyed the cake.

"I promise she didn't," Maksim jumped up onto the chair next to Alec. "I supervised."

"Thank god," Alec laughed, ticking Clare.

"Blow out the candles," Clare said laughing.

"You know I save that for you, princess." Alec laughed as the little girl smiled cheek to cheek.

"May I have your wish too?"

"Only if you promise to bake me cakes until I am a hundred and forty five."

"A hundred and forty five?" Clare scrunched up her nose, a habit she earned from her mother. "I can't even count to one hundred and forty five."

"I can!" Maksim bragged. "One two three four five six seven..."

Alec turned to Mavi with his eyes wide open, "Make it stop."

Mavi laughed at him as she ruffled Maksim's hair, "Baby, uncle Alec has to cut his cake now. Maybe another time."

"Okay," Maksim shrugged before he leaned forward on the table.

Mavi pushed the cake toward Alec as Clare began to clap on his lap. He held her up as she blew out the candles and shut her little eyes to make a wish.

"What did you wish for?" Alec asked her as Owen cut the cake for them.

"Daddy says I can't tell anyone my wishes," Clare whispered.

"Daddy is never any fun," Alec laughed. "And it's my birthday wish you used. So you have to tell me."

Clare hid a sneaky smile behind her hands.

"What was it?" Alec asked her. "A new doll house? Or that weird egg baby you keep buying."

"No," Clare shook her head. She beckoned for Alec to give her his ear. She grabbed onto his neck as she began to whisper her wish to him.

"I wished for a princess for you."

For a moment, Alec was stunned by the little girl's words. He found himself smiling as images of Grace flashed across his mind.

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