CH.23 Life of Pi

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Chapter 23

On Tuesday when Eden arrived at school, she spotted Alec talking to another professor by the little coffee booth as they waited for their turn on line. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and looked over at Asher.

"I want coffee," she said.

"The campus coffee tastes like ass," Asher threw his car keys in the air and caught it as he walked up to Eden.

"I need coffee or I'm going to crash," Eden didn't bother waiting for him as she marched up to the line.

Alec sensed her coming as soon as Asher had parked the car. He kept his mind focused on Peter as Eden stood behind them. He felt the back of his neck heat up from her gaze.

The impulse to turn around and look at her was as natural as breathing for Alec. He focused all his attention on making sure his eyes stayed on Peter and did not move to Eden.

Last night, when he had dropped her off at the house, Eden refused to accept his requisition of breaking things off. No matter how much he tried to explain, she would not listen.

Alec didn't know what to do. He hadn't been able to think straight ever since his meeting Jackson in the garden.

The man was right. Eden deserved so much better. She deserved the world, but their timing was not right. He couldn't give her the world or love her the way she deserved to be loved. And he didn't want her to wait around for him forever, because honestly, Alec wasn't sure what the future held. He knew he didn't want to be with Grace after the baby. But who knew what that psycho path had planned.

In the astronomical mess known as Alec's life, only one thing was clear. He did not want Eden to be tainted or hurt by his baggage. She had her whole life ahead of her. He couldn't drag her down.

"So I heard Grace and you are looking into buying property," Peter said, pulling Alec out of his head.

"Ah...yeah," Alec nodded. "We are."

"Find anything priming yet?"

"Just one or two townhouses we saw last week," Alec cleared his throat. "We want to stay in the city and as close to the palace as possible."

"That's good," Peter nodded. "How's Grace doing? She never answers my calls. How's the baby?"

"The baby is good," Alec nodded. "Healthy. That's all I'm asking for right now."

"Do you guys know the sex yet?"

"No, we want it to be a surprise,"

"What about names?"

"Grace has some idea."

"Oh I bet she does," Peter laughed. "What about Mila if it's a girl? It was my mother's name."

"That's nice," Alec smiled. "I'll bring it up to Grace."

"Oliver if it's a boy," Peter said. "My father's name was Oliver."

"I think Grace mentioned him before," Alec said politely. He tried to shift the conversation away from the baby. He didn't feel comfortable talking about it with Eden right behind him.

"What about Arden?" Eden suddenly said.

Peter turned to her as if realizing for the first time someone was standing behind them. Alec counted to ten in his head slowly before he looked over his shoulder.

There she was. In that god damn uniform again. Did the skirt get shorter?

"Hello, Professor," Eden greeted Alec with a wide smile. Her full lips were shimmering with gloss as she hugged the notebook she held against her chest.

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