CH.31 Restoring the balance

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Chapter 31

"Alec," Eden called out to her mate quietly. "I'm cold."

"You're okay, baby," Alec began to cry as he rushed her to the hospital. "You're okay, just hold on, okay? Nothing will happen to you." 

"I'm so cold," Eden choked as she tasted the blood in the back of her throat.

"Rye!" Alec yelled as he ran into the medical wing.

The doctors ran forward and took Eden from Alec's arms. His wolf growled but he knew he would be no help if he stopped them from touching her. He watched in a panic as they laid her down on a stretcher and wheeled her away.

"Alec," Rye stomped him. "Let me do my job. Stay here."

"How can I help? Tell me what to do?" Alec's mind ran wild. He lifted his blood soaked hands and then looked at Rye.

"Get Mavi and Gemma," Rye said as she ran into the operating room. "We might need them."

"Okay," Alec turned on his heels and broke out into a run. But as he neared the exit of the medical wing he caught sight of Mavi and Gemma rushing toward him with Owen.

"How is she?" Gemma asked breathlessly.

"Rye...." Alec looked at the closed doors. "Rye is with her."

"Where is Peter?" Gemma asked as she took out the ankh.

"They're bringing him to us," Owen checked his watch.

"Where is she?" Alec's eyes darkened as he looked at his brother.

As soon as Grace had plunged the dagger into Eden's chest, Alec had pounced on her. He would have tore her head off clean if Owen didn't stop him. In the murderous frenzy that clouded Alec's mind, he didn't know what to do. Owen yelled at him to rush Eden to the hospital. Her name was the only thing that made any sense to her.

Alec had left Grace to Owen as he picked Eden up in his arms and ran with her to the hospital.

"Alec," Mavi cupped her brother in law's face and pulled it up so she could look at his eyes. "Eden is going to be fine. I'm here and so is Gemma."

"We won't let anything happen to her," Gemma reassured him.

Alec tried to find comfort in their words but all he kept thinking about was the way Eden's warm blood felt in his hands. The way her eyes rolled back to the back of her head, the way she said his name, the way she cried and said she was cold.

As the family stood by trying to comfort Alec, two guards wheeled Peter's lifeless body past them. Everyone's eyes fell on the man and the dark bruises around his neck.

"I....I'll go fix him," Gemma said as she moved along with the guards.

Mavi nodded as she tugged Alec away to the waiting room. She gently sat him down on a chair and asked Owen to get him some water.

"Jackson," Alec said, looking up from his haze for a few seconds. "I need to call Jackson."

"Owen can call him," Mavi said. "You need to stay here with me."

Owen rushed over to the front desk and asked to use their phone. He turned around and looked at his brother as he waited for Jackson to answer.

Alec sat like a statue. His face pale with worry, his shirt stained with blood, and his eyes life less. Owen's heart began to hurt by the sight of his brother.

Mavi patted Alec's hand as Owen made the call. She took long deep breaths as she tried to keep the air around them stress free.

"Nothing will happen to her," Mavi said to Alec once more. "We have healing clay, my scales, Gemma's gifts."

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