Chapter 2

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Y/N: "hahahaHaHaHAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm finally free you oum forsaken bastards!"

I screamed at the top of my lungs, freedom felt amazing. I had escaped those awful monsters and fled to fuck knows where. I saw a tall blond man and decided to ask him for help.

Y/N: "Hey sir, do you know where I am?"

???: "you're in patch kid hey where are your parents?"

Y/N: "they abused me so I ran away."

???: "That's awful would you like to be a part of my family? My wife always wanted a son."

Y/N: "WOULD I!? I'd love to what's your name?"

Tai: "I'm tai xiou long but you can call me dad. What's your name, son?"

I felt like crying I was so happy to hear those words.

Y/N: "I'm Y/N it's nice to meet you dad."

Time skip brought to you by Y/N beating Your local bullies to death: Y/N POV

I walked into the house dad brought me too and I was startled by two girls.

Tai: "Ruby, Yang this is your new brother Y/N. Y/N these are your sisters Yang and Ruby."


Y/N: "AAAAHHH!!! Don't hurt me!"

Tai: "It's ok Y/N they're not gonna hurt you they're just excited. Girls please be quiet around your brother he really hates loud noises they scare him."

Ruby: "ohmygoshImsosorryIdidntknowareyouokbro???" Ruby hugged me as if I were about to disappear.

Yang: "Yeah sorry bro we didn't know." I cried as I crushed my new sisters in a death hug.

Time skip dream world Y/N POV:

Kali: "your a failure!!!"

Ghira : "A disgrace!!!"

Blake: "A weakling!!!"

Y/N: "I'LL FUCKING KILL ALL OF YOU!!!" I tackled Ghira and started beating him to death. "DIE! DIE!! DIE!!! DIE YOU OUM FORSAKEN BASTARD!!!!"

Yang: "Y/N WAKE UP!!!!"

Real world: Yang POV:

I watched in horror as Y/N viciously ripped the training dummy to shreds screaming in his sleep. I grabbed him and shook him awake.

Yang: "Y/N WAKE UP!!!"

Y/N: huh!? What happened??

POV Change Y/N POV:

I was so confused when I woke up but I saw the training dummy was absolutely destroyed and Yang and Ruby looked as if they'd seen a ghost.

Y/N: "what happened?"

Yang: "you were screaming..."

Ruby: "and you practically murdered the training dummy."

Y/N: "I had a nightmare can I sleep in the same bed with you guys."

Y/R: "get in bed bro it's time for a nice family dream."

We fell asleep shortly after and it was the best nights sleep I ever had...

A/N: thanks for putting up with me you guys and I'm sorry for the long hiatus. I've been dealing with a lot of random stuff especially with this bullshit quarantine so I'll try to be a lot more consistent and had to had a bit of writers block but I'm back on track and ready to roll also I apologize for any run on sentences it's a habit of mine so I'll try to be a pest about us I can have a good night everybody or day depends on when you're reading this.

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