The Moment Boring Takes a Turn

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Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.

   Well it IS my room but it's all clean and I even have a tv!

   My old room had plain cream colored walls and I had a wooden desk in the corner. Trash and clothes were littered everywhere.

   But now, all my clothes were in a big closet and I even had much more pretty clothes. I had a body length mirror and the walls were a pale blue. My desk was clean and on top was my homework stacked neatly. The room was still small but it looked amazing!

   Wait. Am I dreaming? This is an AMAZING dream so I ain't waking up anytime soon. Oh! I must be lucid dreaming, even if I have no idea how! 

   "Hunny, are you up yet for school?" My Father calls from my doorway. He looks healthy and his eyes are happy, unlike real life. This is a great dream to see my Father happy! 

   "I am up, Dad! I'll get ready!" He smiles and nods. I get out of my comfy bed and he walks away. I choose overalls and a yellow t- shirt underneath it. I put vans on and tie my hair up in a ponytail with a yellow ribbon. 

   I look in the mirror and not gonna lie, I look fabulous! I walk out the door to see my Dad in a tux and our apartment clean as a whistle. This dream is awesome! 

   "Hey, Hunny,  you look cute! I'm gonna head to work at the gym, you'll be ok walking to school right," My Dad says. Woah! My Dad has a job? This is an awefully unrealistic dream, but I'll roll with it. 

heyyyooii I ain't ever gonna finish this story soooo😂
This is as far as I had written when I got hit with this stroke of inspiration. Gah this is why I just never write anything because I never finish it😭 sorry to disappoint


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