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"Hey Taryn who's that new girl on the bus?"

"I don't know but she seems cool let's go sit by her."

That was how it all began. Taryn and I thought she was cool and started talking to her. Her name was Josie. She was cool and funny... at first. We got to know each other a bit more and became very close friends. It was then when I pushed away my Best friend.. my true best friend. Not the one you will learn about soon. Josie, Taryn, and I, didn't really get along most of the time. It started with fights of Taryn, and I. Then went to fights with Taryn against Josie and I. I don't know why I was so foolish as to be treated like this. But I guess it happens to everyone sometime right. Well sorry for the rambling.. Here's the full story everyday day of Josie's changing emotions.

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