i could spend my whole life getting over you

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A few drops of tears have escaped from his eyes when someone suddenly wipes it off.

'You're still a cry baby' the latter said that made his eyes circled.

A starry night stars shining so bright above, the perfect scenery for people in love.

But it was different for Jeongwoo, the agony, longing, and anger, he has been trying to collect himself from seeing the Japanese again. So many why's and what if's running on his head, tears falling in his eyes, he faced the latter.

'H-how are you?'


Of all the words he could have said, of all the derogatory words he wanted to throw, 'How are you?' is the only thing that comes up of his trembling mouth.

'Missing you, every day' the Japanese professed a sad eye; sad smile. Everything about him is sad.

'Why are you here?' he asked Haruto.

'I seek help from Jaehyuk to set us up, I wanted to see you. Can we - c-can we start again, Woo?' still sulking, the Japanese asked. He later reached the Korean's hand and said 'I'm sorry, for everything. I'm sorry for leaving. Please, just one more chance'

Jeongwoo looks up at the stars again.

'There are so many bright lights in the night when one dies no one would even notice it. It'll die in oblivion' Jeongwoo formed a bitter smirk and asked 'What makes me happy Haruto? What makes me upset?' still looking up, he's trying to not face the latter as he was sure a tear will fall again if he did so.


'When you left, you told me you're coming back and I believed you. For a year, I've waited' Jeongwoo said.

'I'm sorry Woo, I've come back. I am here now.' Haruto tried reaching Jeongwoo's hand again but the latter brush it off.

'No Ruto, you don't leave people with finding yourself as a reason and asking them to welcome you completely again on their lives once you came back. You were confused I get that. But had it ever occurred to you, how about the person you left behind? You left me thinking if there's something wrong with me. Every day, I blamed myself for not being enough. It's true, yes - until now you still in my thoughts, our memories are ingrained in mind and it's something I'll never get over with maybe not even in my lifetime. But that does not mean I'm going to accept you again'

Haruto was sobbing hard when he spoke 'I promised I'll stay, Forever.'

Jeongwoo stood up from his seat, knees shaking and trying his best to calm himself from breaking, he said for the last time,

'I love you; I still do. I do. They said people die twice in their lifetime. One was when your heart stops beating and when life leaves your eyes. Second, was when the person who truly loves everything about you, from your flaws to your laughter can't even think twice for leaving everything behind, even the memories they've shared is another sadistic move, I refuse to commit. I don't want to die twice while living Haruto. I'm sorry. But this is how our story ends'


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