[001]: DUMB BABY

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[001]: DUMB BABY

Venus Nicoles didn't believe in a specific god. Though she was brought up to live out as a Christian, as she got older she began to question the strict set of rules she was forced to live under for the first eighteen years of her life and eventually became an atheist. In her eyes, there was so scientific reasoning or evidence of existence greater than humanity's own and therefore no need to fear it.

Until the attacks within the very depths of her dreams began to occur relentlessly. From the midnight of her eighteenth birthday and on, two years ago, shed be visited nightly by beings far beyond her understanding. Some simply scared her and others spoke of her future and imminent demise at the hands of what was called an Incubus, describing her death in a painfully detailed way. When Venus wasn't haunted by these visions, many times during the period known as the witch's hour she'd awaken to find a large, deformed, subhuman creature of charred skin and glowing blood-red eyes looking down onto her. It never spoke, never even made a noise, but it's menacing look was something she'd never shake off.

In the beginning, Venus took it as a simple case of sleep paralysis, a small error within the human brain, that could be fixed with the changing of a sleeping habit and so she did just that and failed. Every time she tried something new she failed, but there was a new solution every night, but no progress. Eventually, she gave up and slowly gave up her sleep and traded it for energy drinks and late-night movie marathons; a behavior that soon resulted in insomnia and eye bags that couldn't even be covered with the heaviest layer of concealer and powder.

Tonight was different though. When the clock stroke three am: Venus found herself at the center of a king-sized canopy bed and each of her limbs bound by a chain to their own designated pole. The canopy's linen drapes were drawn back and held in place by a ribbon of the same material with little bows, allowing for a view into the empty room.

You couldn't really call the place in which she resided a bedroom though. It had none of the qualities of a bedroom beside the bed she laid upon and a door directly across from her dormant form.

Everything was white from the silk sheets gracing her bare skin to the linens and the pattern engraved into the skylight she could clearly see through the thin canopy fabric. Inside of the hexagon-shaped room, each wall including the door was covered by a floor to ceiling mirror and the ceiling itself was made entirely of glass, allowing for moonlight to shine into the room as it's only source of illumination.

Confusion and eventual fear overtook her mind as she began to wonder what it was tonight to torture her thoughts for what was to feel like an eternity until she awoke. Her body began to shiver as the temperature suddenly dropped drastically within moments. Venus was freezing as she laid bare upon those smooth sheets, eyes closed hoping she'd wake up soon, trying to convince herself that it was only a dream and nothing could actually hurt her in reality.

The sensation of prickly material dragging across her skin causing her eyes to shoot open only to find a blonde woman lying atop her body, and the realization of the prickly material to have been her seemingly endless long hair. Both of her hands were pressed into the mattress on either side of Venus's head while her knees were making indentions at her hips. The woman appeared to be a goddess as Venus took her features in, how her figure was that of an hourglass and her skin perfect and milky even, aside from a scar starting above her right eyebrow, traveling cross her slender button nose and to the middle of her left cheek. Her eyes were a deep sea blue and hair perfectly Snow White.

A slight smirk formed on the woman's face before her hand graced the brown-skinned girl's waist, slowly traveling up her torso to her rounded cheek. "Always so beautiful, my love."

Eyebrows knit together, Venus questioned the woman had not seen another human within her dreams in years startle her, "Who are you?" She paused to think as suspicion settled in "What are you?"

The woman shifted from her current position to kneeling as her eyes raked over Venus's naked body; reveling in her frailty, her small, but perky breasts, Hershey kiss nipples ample and ready to be taken into her mouth, her flat tummy and slender hips overtaken by stretchmarks that segwayed into toned legs that she couldn't wait to have her head between. "Panemorfi, your lost lover. I'm the one you've been warned of, the incubus to suck your soul and savor the taste of the pretty pussy you own."

"The incubus to suck my soul?" Venus repeated back, confused by the beautiful woman's words, as she licked her lips attempting to remember anything she'd been told about the sex-driven creatures. "Are you going to kill m-" her words were cut short by the woman's hands as they began to run up and down her thighs. Venus closed her eyes, savoring the warm feeling, something she'd never experienced before.

"Such a sensitive lil' baby." Panemorfi teased with a giggle as she watched the girl's body mold into her every touch. She knew that Venus was a virgin, but she never knew the severity of the situation. Maybe it was due to her power as a succubus to heighten a victim's senses or rather the sheer purity of the brunette, but either way, it was just so much fun to bother the inexperienced girl. Panemorfi crawled atop the girl until she was all that was in Venus's field of vision. "Has no one touched you before baby?" Panemorfi continued as her fingers danced along Venus's bare lips, collecting her juices before taking her thumb to the girl's clit and rubbing agonizingly slow circles as she began to kiss down her stomach.

"N-no" Venus mumbled in response as she began to swivel her hips to match the rhythm of Paneforfi's fingers. 

Panemorfi smiled at the girl before replying. "That's so cute." Her thumb halted before plunging two fingers into the girl's core and continuing to play with her clit at a now much more aggressive pace whilst her other hand wrapped around Venus's throat. "Look at you, making a mess and I'm just bearly even touching you." 

Soon another finger was added and Venus couldn't keep her mouth closed as the blonde committed an all-out assault on her most intimate parts whilst she ground her hips onto the girl's knuckles. "Look at me, Venus. Look me in my eyes and don't you dare close them." Panemorfi's grip on the girl's throat tightened as she looked up to see the woman's irises were now a glowing, almost neon, red. It scared Venus, but it also made her all the wetter.

When the woman moved to look up at the ceiling, Venus could've sworn the last time she looked up that there had only been the sheer fabric of the canopy hanging overhead along with the skylight, but now that had been replaced with a large mirror reflecting both of the girls from top to bottom. "Dumb baby." She laughed "Look at yourself. All you can think about is getting off; like the braindead whore you are inside and it shows." Panemorfi paused. "You're so cute like this, on the edge, you know? You wanna cum don't you?"

Venus began to plead with the woman to finish. She didn't know why she was begging, but it suddenly just came sputtering from her mouth in small whimpers and moans. She cried out at the pleasure, back arching though the restraints kept her from moving too much as she came on the blonde's fingers.

Riding out her high, Venus finally closed her eyes, falling limp on the sheets, chest heaving up and down whilst Panemorfi licked her fingers clean of the girl's essence. "So fucking good baby." Was the last thing she heard before she awoke the following morning.

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