[002]: ONE OF US

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Sorry for the long hiatus. I wanted to change up the story and that meant a lot of reworking but I'm back.


With a sudden painful thud Venus awoke on her bedroom's maple wood floor surrounded by what seemed to be fog. Thick and opaque as  she pushed herself up from the ground, not a thing could be seen below mid-thigh standing at five feet and six inches. Though sunlight came in clearly though her sheer white curtains, this sight was as just as terrifying as if it had been night. The idea of the light being unable to save her from the the monsters that only came out at night was the true horror factor.

From outside of the room, Venus could hear the echo of feet dragging across the creaking floor as well as bells jingling with every step. Venus was still standing in the same position when her bedroom door began to creak open, ever so slowly.

As the door opened she began to chant, as if trying to persuade herself to believe everything she was saying. "It's just a dream. You know it's just a dream. Wake up." Tears began to escape from her eyes as the mangled creature came into full view. The formidable sight before her was more than ghastly. More than horrendous. It was what nightmares were truly made of.

Nearly scraping the ceiling with its head, the humanoid creature wore a tattered dress that had once been white as its hair was matted and sticking out in every direction. It appeared corpse like with it's rotting flesh and a stick thin stature. Each crevice of its face stuck out appearing almost sharp to the touch, though its eyes were bright blue as if a soul had once lived within. It's head was long and slender with disproportionate and uneven features as if the creature was simply an enlarged walking skeleton, covered in a thick black liquid oozing from all over its body and mouth.

Slowly it moved closer, speaking in a low demonic and demented tone as if it knew her, as if the two were family in a past life. "Join us once again. Let us become one, joined together." It prompted, arms out stretched, each fingernail overtaken with grime and as long as toothpicks as Venus backed closer to the wall. As its jaw moved, holes in its cheeks expanded to view rows upon rows of jagged shark like teeth. Before she could register, several sets of hands of the same description grabbed onto her limbs and throat, holding the girl in place. "Become one of us and help us build." It continued before stopping merely a foot from the girl, though she could still feel it's warm breath on her face. "Venus Nicoles you are the key to the underworld's great awakening. Join u-"

The remaining words of the creature's sentence were cut off by a the edge of a blade coming through where it's brain would've been and straight down causing the creature to disintegrate into the air like wood to ash. Venus's knees buckled and she fell to the floor, vision blurry and fear clouding her mind. Within moments the fog cleared completely and she noticed a pair of gothic buckling platform boots in her line of vision.

The body which the boots belonged to, crouched down in front of the girl and looped their arms around Venus, hands resting on her cheeks before forcing her head up to look at them. Venus, my darling, I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner." The voice spoke, raspy and deep yet feminine. Venus' vision was still blurry as tears rolled down her face, unable to register the person her eyes laid upon.

It took a few moments before she perked up at the woman sitting in front of her, realizing who she was. "You're the woman." Venus choked out. "From my dream last night." Venus's continued to stare at the woman wondering why she was having reoccurring dreams about this person. What was her conscious trying to say? "You're Panemorfi."

The woman took one of Venus' wrists and pressed it to her lips for a kiss. Quickly, the reddened flesh returned to it's normal color, disappearing in an almost animated fashion like a sponge absorbing spilled water on a countertop. "Yeah, that's right, but unfortunately this isn't a dream baby."

Suddenly Venus's phone began to vibrate under atop her bedside table. She removed it from underneath her glasses, recognizing it as her bestfriend, Christina, and answered. "Where the fuck are you?" The girl began angrily on the other end. "It's the first day of our annual sale and the store is at capacity. I need you here."

Checking the time, Venus realised that she was supposed to have been at work over two hours ago. "I'm sorry. I over slept. I be there soon." She replied earning a groan from the girl.

"Whatever. It's fine. Just get here and expeditiously please." Christina hung up before Venus could reply.

As she pushed off of the bed and stretched, the Panemorfi spoke. "I'll drive you there." The sword that she'd been gripping she then slid into the sheathe across her back.

"Panemorfi," Venus paused, unsure of where to begin, "What was that? What just happened? How do you know where I work?"

Questions were spilling from her mouth as Venus followed the girl into her attached bathroom to brush her teeth and select her outfit for the day. "It's a demon species called the ravenous. I'll always be nearby when you need me, so for now I need you not to worry about that." Panemorfi then took one of the many necklaces around her neck and handed it to the girl. "Wear this and you should be safe until I can get to you when the time comes."

Venus replied after she pulled her clothes onto her body as she forced her foot into a pair of pointed pumps to match the leather pants and bra combo she had going on. "I'm sorry, I almost died just now and you're telling me to forget it?" She paused, before laughing dryly "Are you fucking insane?"

Panemorfi let out a sigh. "You have more important things to take care of at this time and someone that needs you. When you get off from work I'll be there to pick you up and I'll explain everything to you then. You have to trust me for now." She paused "I mean, I just saved your life. You should be a little nicer to me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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