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Kasey was gone. Harry had finished teaching his last class of the day, then went to use the restroom — after leaving a note, of course. Kasey had been sleeping seemingly peacefully throughout the entire afternoon.

Except for the fact that she was now gone. Her bag that Harry had placed next to his desk was gone -- her only personal belonging. Everything else -- the thermos, his earbuds, even the plastic water bottle -- was placed neatly on his desk.

"Fuck." Harry had hoped that maybe today would be the day. The day where she admitted there was something wrong. The day she asked for help. He was so close. So fucking close. And then she slipped through his fingers.

Gathering up his things, Harry left the building somewhat quickly. He knew Kasey couldn't have gone far. The staff restrooms were farther away from his classroom, but the crowds of people leaving had to have slowed her down.

And, of course, if it was possible, Harry hated Michigan even more. A snowstorm. He sighed and made his way to his car, trying his hardest not to slip in the unplowed parking lot. At this point it would be impossible to find Kasey. She was most likely on the bus already, headed home. To an abusive home.

Harry shook the thought out of his head. You're making things up. As much as he didn't want to believe it was true, there was no denying it. Kasey's mannerisms screamed everything she was trying to hide. With Zayn being a trauma doctor at the hospital, he had heard his fair share of horror stories. "Fuck," he muttered again once he was in the car. Tears came to his eyes. Harry had always been sensitive, which was likely no secret to anyone. But thinking about Kasey at a home that left her with bruises and limps and god knows what else was enough to make him more than upset. Not to mention the fact that he wouldn't see her until Monday.

Deciding he would just call Zayn when he got home, Harry exited the parking lot (which was always an adventure — teenagers trying to leave school were one of a kind). After taking one look at the roads, Harry knew it would be too dangerous to drive home using his normal route. Taking the highway would be less than ideal in the awful Michigan weather.

As he drove through the back roads, Harry couldn't help but notice the state of the houses he was passing. Shutters were falling off the windows, paint was chipping, various items scattered in the yard, soon to be covered by the snow. His heart went out to all of the students living in these conditions; the guidance counselor warned him that there were multiple students who were from this part of town. They didn't have the support that they needed most of the time, causing them to struggle significantly in school. He wondered if Kasey lived there.

You've got to stop thinking about her. It's not going to make a difference. Harry sped up as safely as he could, desperate to get home and call his husband.


Zayn was a busy man. That was no secret to anyone. Not only did he have a husband that he loved and wanted to spend every waking moment with, but he also had a job that he loved. Unfortunately, it was the job that was currently taking up most of his time.

Of course, he still carved out time to spend with his husband. Harry would refuse to sleep until Zayn returned home, whether that be 5pm or 5am. Most nights, Zayn snuck out early to finish his paperwork at home just so Harry could sleep, thus creating a routine.

The time he left the hospital always varied, and when he was exhausted to the point of nearly falling asleep behind the wheel, he stopped at Nancy's. Zayn loved Nancy's; it had the same sort of feel that his favorite café had back home. The strong smell of coffee wafted from behind the counter into the seating area, giving Zayn a sense of peace. Also present was the undertone of marijuana. Although he only smoked less than occasionally, it reminded Zayn of home — drunken nights with his friends, stressful days of studying, filling the car with smoke as he kissed Harry.

However, the one thing that didn't bring him peace was the young girl who worked the counter. Zayn had been going to Nancy's for a few weeks before he noticed her. He assumed it was because she was working in the back. Or possibly because of the bruise on her face.

Just from looking at her, Zayn could tell she needed help. But he didn't even know her name, much less her situation. So he quietly helped, hoping that it would somehow make a difference. Each day he waited for a call. He waited for her to ask for help, more than ready to give anything. Everything.

But there was nothing.

And so, as much as it was a game of waiting, it had to also be a game of not thinking about it. He didn't dare mention the girl to Harry, knowing he would worry unnecessarily. So Zayn waited, quietly, hoping — because it was the only thing he could do at this point.


anyway, on a less exciting note, i am more than aware that this chapter sucks :) ig it just provides some background information on harry + zayn as characters and sets y'all up for the ~next chapter~ which will be better!! i promise!! it'll be everything u guys want!!!!! love u babes <3 mwah

(also - 1k+ reads??? y'all are INSANE!! thank u so so so much :'))

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