Tearful Reconstruction

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Chapter Eight: Tearful Reconstruction 

July 29th, 2031 

"That was heroic of you Edmond, taking on Glog that way. But, and I'm sure I don't need to repeat it...but I will anyway, you're trying to keep both of us alive." 

Edmond's body was weightless, as he floated in an empty, black expanse. He felt so weak that he couldn't even open his eyes. Seconds earlier, he'd just witnessed what seemed like a horrendous nightmare, more so than everything else that had happened up until this point. Now, if his mind wasn't just tricking him, he could hear the voice of Akihiko Kayaba speaking to him from beyond existence.  

"So...I'm not dead, then? Figures, I'd never be so lucky."  

Edmond managed to say this as he abandoned all hope to stay conscious. However, his mind wouldn't allow him to fall asleep. 

"What's wrong with you Edmond? Is this all you've got? I must say it's rather sad to see a person who fancies themselves a gamer give up so easily." 

"This isn't a game. A game makes you happy. A game makes you want to achieve things, to take risks without serious consequences of your actions. A game allows you to reset it as many times as you need to, whenever things don't go well for you. A game? No...Kayaba...This isn't a game, this is hell." 

Tears seeped through his closed eyes and fell into the black nothingness below him. He wanted so badly to be done with this entire existence. He dreamed of being yelled at for the rent being late...or hearing the sound of a customer complain about something that was their fault to begin with. He longed for his small, obscure existence back in the real world, to become the actual reality that it was.  

"Hell? Edmond, hell is eternal separation from the things that are closest to you. Longing to have something that you know you can never have, back. I, am living...or not living, to be more precise, in hell, Edmond. Not you. Look at what you have-" 

"What do I have, then? Please tell me, because I can't seem to find what you're wanting me to feel so damn optimistic about! Look at us! Look at Thatch...Look at Klein, who missed the most important moment of his life, the birth of his child! Look at Kitami...who I almost let die...in my arms." 

Edmond felt a strange sensation on his chest. He summoned every bit of energy he had left and opened his eyes to reveal Kayaba standing directly over him, with his hand placed on him.  

"You didn't do so poorly, Edmond. You need to have a little faith in yourself, you're honestly one of the most self-depreciating people I've ever met...And you're looking at a man who placed himself in a game HE created, knowing he could be killed if something went wrong." 

Edmond closed his eyes again. He was becoming annoyed with the monotony of the conversation, and couldn't begin to think of why he was there. But then again, nothing made sense anymore, so it was to be expected in his mind. 

"So, why am I here then? So you can show me more weapons and give me another sob story about all of your regrets of killing so many players?" 

Kayaba frowned. 

"You weren't this rude the last time you were here, Edmond. But, I suppose given the stressful circumstances you just faced, it's only to be expected of you. Please vent Edmond, you deserve it." 

Edmond felt genuinely remorseful. He wasn't a mean person, and he certainly didn't want to annoy a mass murderer, whether he actually existed or not.  

"I'm sorry...but can you at least tell me one thing?" 

"I can do my best for you, Edmond." 

"Kitami, is she okay? Did she survive?" 

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