Who do you do the ice bucket challenge with+what happened

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Aries- Poland , you were in the middle of introducing yourself when Polands grip slipped and the ice hit you unexpectantly which caused you to black out

Taurus- Sweden, you said the intro but instead of ice you got a bunch a left over Ikea meatballs dumped on you

Gemini- Wales, you said everything  you needed to say then Wales dumped the ice on your head, you almost died of heat  stroke.

Cancer- Ireland, Nothing except  that instead of ice it was beer.

Leo- no one, your thought the idea was dumb

Virgo- Russia, the ice had full vodka bottles in which hit you head giving you a minor concussion

Libra- Kazakhstan, He didn't understand and not only dropped the ice but also the container holding the ice

Scorpio- Zimbabwe, everything went okay except you had minor bruises 

Sagittarius- Spain, you said everything  and just as Spain was about to dump the ice Portugal tackled you and let all the ice hit him then he later explained he thought that Spain was trying to kill you

Capricorn- you didn't do it ,convinced that the sun was deadly  laser 

Aquarius- Georgia, everything went good, Too good

Pisces- Denmark, Y'all thought about doing it but decided it was to cold and just stayed inside and drank hot coco 

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