No One Will Ever Want You

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Tuesday's suck, no reason in particular, Louis just hated Tuesdays. Today was supposed to be a cold day, so Louis found himself slipping on a pair of comfy black leggings and an oversized hoodie.

He had quickly packed up his textbooks and homework as he checked the time, it being 7:37. 'Shit' Louis thinks, 'I'm going to be late if I don't leave right now'. He quickly slid his shoes on, throwing his bookbag over his shoulder.

The Omega home Louis lived in is about a 30-minute walk from his school, but today he had to run and hope he made it there on time. He couldn't have another late on his records. One more late and he'd have to spend a month in detention, and he definitely didn't want that.

The teacher that was always on the schedule for detention was Mr. Grimshaw and Louis couldn't stand being around him. He'd always been a bit creepy when it came to the omega students. He's one of the many alphas Louis had met where they think they can do whatever they want to any omega and it's disgusting.

When Louis managed to reach the school he's out of breath, doubled over, hands on his knees as he tried to breathe. 'I made it with two minutes to spare' he thought to himself as he glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Well, good morning Louis" Mr Malik-Payne let out a chuckle as he continued to write his lesson plans on the whiteboard, "have a good run this morning?" "Yeah, something like that," the omega said, still out of breath as he found his way to his desk, "it's good to stay in shape for football sir".

Mr Malik-Payne was the coach for the omega football team and Louis had been captain of the team for all 4 years.

"You know you should be running at an even pace so that you're not so out of breath. What were you doing, sprinting?" the blue-eyed boy rolled his eyes at his teacher, "I at least made it to school on time, so I don't see the issue. My lungs haven't completely given out on me yet."

The bell rang just as soon as the boy pulled his binder and pencil case out. The students started making their way to their own seats as he popped an earbud in. Louis managed to drown out the rest of the class as he worked on the essay they had started yesterday. He wished he had as much motivation as he used to have, but any schoolwork now took so much out of the small boy.

He'd been counting down the days until the end of the school year. After he graduated, he planned on going pro for football or something, he hadn't decided for sure.

He should be trying to find himself a nice alpha and settle down, pop a couple of pups out and be a housewife for the rest of his life, that's what his mom would have wanted for him. She would have wanted him to be a good submissive omega, but he's not and never will be. 'I don't need an alpha, I don't need anyone'.

The class seemed to fly by quickly and the next thing he knew, the bell was ringing and Louis was on his way to his next class.

His next class was music, it's been a good place for Louis to just be himself. He knew Niall would never judge him.

Niall is Mr Malik-Payne's omega and he volunteers at the school to keep the music program running. There were only a few students in this class, no one at this school was really into music, but it's not a big deal.

"Hey, Niall" Louis greeted the blonde omega as he walked into the room, "why weren't you here yesterday? Did something happen?" the brunette asked, going to sit by the keyboard. Niall usually gave the students a heads up if he is going to be absent. Louis found himself having to spend his lunch alone in the hallway yesterday, sitting by his last period.

"Hey Lou" he returned with a smile, "yeah sorry about that mate, my heat lasted 2 days longer than expected". Niall was 6 years older than Louis was, but he was the closest thing he had to a friend.

Teacher's Pet (Book 1) - Styles TripletsWhere stories live. Discover now