8:Nothing Matters But Us

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Hi guyssss! Okay okay don't be mad I know it's been so long but I'm trying to keep up! I have school work plus that hurricane made me lose power... Sorry for not updating I appreciate my readers and I love you all!!! So here's the next chapter I think it's a bit short... Enjoy!:)


"Wow, I'm so stupid! How didn't I notice Niall fancied her... I'm so stupid..." Zayn continued on and on as my face was still frozen in shock, my body unable to move. I didn't notice how close Anna and Harry were to me until Harry flicked my forehead causing extreme pain. "Owww!" I yelled holding my head in my arms falling against Zayn's chest once more whimpering. He carefully wrapped an arm around me gently rubbing my head. I heard a smack which made me turn my head towards Harry, my eyes slightly teary. Louis had slapped Harry's arm and gave him a pissed off look. "Ow! What was that for?" he said in a slow low voice while rubbing his left arm, the other wrapped around Anna's waist. I cuddled into Zayn's chest whimpering more. "She has a severe headache idiot!" Liam grumbled protectively. Anna was rubbing Harry's arm sighing. "He didn't know... Where did Niall go?" she spoke staring directly at Zayn and I before continuing, "Ooh, Zayn and you got close hmm? Wait what about Per-"

"We broke up a long time ago!" Zayn interrupted quickly looking at her with a "don't go there" stare. She flinched at his sudden yelling. Louis rest a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him. Zayn took a deep breath and apologized while looking over her shoulder. "Um, Sammy... We should go find Niall..." Zayn mumbled with a bit of concern in his voice. Liam sighed as did Louis and the girls. Harry and Anna looked lost, Anna holding on tightly to Harry's hand.

I looked all around me. I couldn't just leave Niall out there... What if it's still raining? And maybe he's cold, alone, and soaked. God, I have to go find him... Alone.

I stared at Zayn who had his arms around me, which I didn't mind but didn't like all too much. I pushed away from him and stood up slowly. "I'm going to go find him... Alone. Please let me go alone, please?" I stared at him with puppy eyes begging him to stay here with my auburn eyes. Fortunately, he fell for it. He hugged me tightly and whispered in my ear, "Good luck, Sammy." I shivered and nodded slipping on a coat that was on the couch grabbing another coat and and umbrella. I smiled slightly heading out the door. "I'll keep you informed... I have my cellphone Anna! Be back in a bit..." I called back before rushing out the door.

I ran outside and it was pouring rain. Some streets started to flood. I started to panic. What if a car lost control and it hit him? My eyes started to tear up as I ran screaming his name, the wind blowing my hair all over while the rain jumped off my umbrella. I felt warm tears run down my cheeks as I searched screaming his name once more, the wind blowing hard enough to make my umbrella fly out of my hand.

I didn't care. Nothing matters but him right now; wherever he is. I don't even understand myself. I don't understand why I care about him so much- why I'm so eager to find him. But I know I have to find him. I don't care why; but I have to find him.

The rain was harsh and so cold. My lungs were burning and my eyes were swelling up as I tried to find him, screaming his name over and over. I didn't stop unless I tripped. Even then, I got up and kept going to find him.

I tripped and landed face first into mud sniffling as I got up. I felt like giving up, but I won't. As I stood up, my legs started to shake. I took deep breaths between desperate yells that consisted of only his name-Niall's name. I stopped where I was as I wiped the tears and mud off my cheeks. I looked around me noticing I was in the middle of a slightly flooded street. It was dark and all I could see was the reflection of the street lights against the water. Just once more... I'll call his name once more.

I stood in the middle of the street slowly dragging my feet as I took I a deep breath of cold air which burned the inside of my lungs. "Niall!" I screamed desperately, my eyes now uncontrollably letting out tears.

I sniffled as my throat grew sore and my jaw clenched together tightly. It gave me a headache; another one. I want Niall to be right here, smiling, laughing, and being his sweet self. I can't stand to see someone so happy to look so sad and depressed.

I shut my eyes as the rain hit against my skin and clothes. I was already soaking wet. I took my phone out to see it's already 10:47 PM. I've been looking for him for over an hour. Where is he? Please, God, just bring him to me- just let me find him.

I bit my lower lip hard opening my eyes to see a figure walking across the street. Hopefully, that is who I'm looking for. Please, let it be him. I couldn't bear him to be gone any longer. I just want him to be safe.

I ran towards the figure screaming his name before he turned around them turned back and ran. Why is he running from me? He can't leave me! I want him to stay with me! I don't know why I'm so attached to someone I just met. I just know he has to be with me.

I kept running until I caught up and wrapped my arms around him crying. He was cold and soaking wet too. "Please don't leave..." I held him tighter as I talked. I felt him shiver as he tried to pull away from my arms. "Niall, please." I pleaded as tears continued flowing down my cheeks.

He stopped trying to pull away and looked back at me. I could barely see him, but his eyes were red. He was crying.

I held onto him tighter, shivering, whimpering, and clinging onto his soaked white t-shirt as my eyes started flooding with more tears. I don't like the fact that he was crying at all. I want him to smile like he always does. I can't be with him, but he deserves to be happy too. Whoa, back it up. What's wrong with me? Why am I caring so much for him? Him, a guy, Niall. Did I mention he's a guy? I shouldn't be caring... But, I do care.

He pushed me away slowly then turned around to face me. I noticed his expression was plain even though his eyes looked sad. "I'm sorry, Sam." he mumbled while running his hands through his hair slowly. I quickly wiped a tear away from my eyes then wrapped my arms around him tightly. He carefully put an arm around me as he cleared his throat. He doesn't have to apologize anymore. All that counts is that he is in sight- in my arms.

I pulled away before he could speak and looked straight into his eyes. His hair covered his eyes slightly so I moved it away unconsciously. While I did, he moved his hand down my arm then took my hand in his. "I'm sorry, Sam. I really am." he stared at me and I stared back, nodding as he mumbled the words over and over again. It's weird to say his Irish accent is cute. Although, I don't want him to speak such sad words with such an amazing accent anyone would die for.

I snapped out of my trance by lowly shaking my head. I hugged him more, my face buried into his chest. I could hear his heartbeat increasing as I took a deep breath. I could smell the sweet scent of his cologne. I shut my eyes as I gently took his arm. "Please, don't apologize. There's no need." I mumbled as I pulled away. The rain gave no mercy. It was still raining harder than ever and we were both entirely wet. I took his arm once again and started to pull on it so he can follow me. "Where are we going?" he questioned as he followed behind me slowly. He slipped his arm out of my grip then took my hand, squeezing it protectively. I smiled.


So so sooooo did you like? Comment? Anything? I'd love to readdddd:) I'm sorry it it's short but it does seem really short to me!!!:( I'm off to transfer some more writing! Check my profile and follow me? Become a fan? Add me blah blah blah I have all the stuff you can reach me to on my profile emails and all! Love you! Xoxo :) xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2012 ⏰

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