chapter 2

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Jennie definitely had the piece done and on Jisoo's desk by the morning and had definitely gotten zero minutes of sleep that night.

Sitting at her desk, Jennie jumped when she saw Jisoo's shadow standing next to her. When she turned her head to look, Jisoo was holding the piece she'd written tightly in her fist. At first, Jennie was terrified that this would be another failure – after all, she'd been half asleep and thoroughly fucked when she'd written it – but when Jisoo's gaze softened, she melted like wax dripping over the side of a candle.

"Good work, Kim," she said, actually smiling at her.

Jennie let out and audible sigh of relief.

"Would you please come into my office for a minute?" Jisoo asked, her voice smooth.

But there was a hint of seduction there, and Jennie was pretty sure she knew what her boss wanted. Biting her lip, she said nothing and rose to her feet, following Jisoo to her office. Jisoo locked the door behind them, making Jennie swallow thickly.

The outfit Jisoo was wearing didn't help, and neither did the deep, sexy red color of her blouse. Jennie was already wet in anticipation for what she hypothesized would happen next. Jisoo was insatiable in her appetite for sex, so Jennie was fairly positive that what was coming was a request – no, a command – for gratification. And partly, Jennie didn't mind. Her own hormones were going wild already, and as she watched Jisoo move gracefully to sit on top of her desk, facing Jennie, she felt her knees go weak.

Nothing made her vulnerable like Jisoo Kim.

"You did well last night," Jisoo finally mused, after letting Jennie simmer in the awkwardness for several long, painful moments.

Jennie blushed, dropping her gaze and trying not to look up Jisoo's skirt as the woman spread her legs slightly with intention. This, of course, failed miserably, and as her gaze rose just enough to see Jisoo's thong of red lace, she felt her stomach drop.

"Come here," Jisoo ordered, beckoning Jennie to join her.

Of course, the reporter obeyed without question, heart slamming wildly in her chest.

"What was that?" the CEO asked sharply, referencing Jennie's lack of a verbal response.

"Yes, Miss Kim."

"Such a good girl," Jisoo purred, putting her hands on Jennie's shoulders and pushing down forcefully until Jennie was in a kneeling position in front of her. "I should think you'd know what to do down there?"

Jennie blushed, looking directly at the Kim's panties, and nodded her head in understanding before slowly sliding the garment down and off, setting them neatly on the floor beside her.

Before Jennie could dip her head under the CEO's skirt, Jisoo smiled down at her, tangling her fingers in her hair, and commented, "You're so pretty when you blush."

Jennie felt her insides turning. Had she really just said that? But of course, Jennie reminded herself, it meant nothing. Even if Jisoo did think she was pretty, it didn't mean anything more than that. The word she was probably looking for was 'fuckable.' But Jennie shut her eyes anyway – just for a moment – and imagined their lips crashing together like two waves moving towards each other. After that, she got to work.

First, her tongue licked a stripe through Jisoo's wet folds, making the CEO let out a low hum of approval. This spurred Jennie on and let her know she was off to a good start, so she wasted no time giving the woman's clit the attention it was longing for. Slowly, she swirled her tongue around the swollen nub and sucked lightly, attempting to tease the other woman into bliss.

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